yes, of course.
her odds are higher than a younger woman of having a retarded child, but still very low.
At age 25, a woman has about a 1-in-1,250 chance of having a baby with Down syndrome.
At age 30, a 1-in-1,000 chance.
At age 35, a 1-in-400 chance.
At age 40, a 1-in-100 chance.
At 45, a 1-in-30 chance.
2007-01-23 19:14:21
answer #1
answered by answer faerie, V.T., A. M. 6
The Risks are practically tripled when you are over the age of 32 for genetic deformities. The abortions pending on how they were done, will leave very little physical evidence. If they were Back house Abortions, you need to worry about scar tissue which could complicate the birth and possibly the conception. I think the fact that you are asking a group of seeming unqualified people about a situation as personal as this. Says to me....You are Not Ready for a Child! Try a Dog, then move up to volunteering at a nursing home or children's hospital. Baby Steps !
2007-01-23 19:17:38
answer #2
answered by ? 1
getting pregnant after 35 years is a high risk pregnancy and most especially if there have been previous abortions. if the uterus was scarred in those abortions, the pregnancy would be a very delicate one and she would probably need to be on complete bed rest for the whole nine months. at the same time, she would probably need to deliver the baby via caesarian section. other factors could further aggravate the condition like is she hypertensive, diabetic, asthmatic? she needs to work hand and hand with a very good gynecologist. however, in my experience, there have been many babies successfully delivered after 35 years although there have been difficulties in the pregnancy. :-) just follow what the gynecologist advises.
2007-01-23 19:37:25
answer #3
answered by terra 4
I don't think she may have pregnancy problems. Unless all he abortions were not done properly/ were infective / septic.
But the chance of getting a kid with Down's Syndrome (mentally retarded among otherthings) rises exponentially beyond 35.
No doctor can anticipate trouble... maybe a hysteroscopy can be done to rule out any uterine adhesions due to the abortions. Otherwise there's little you can do.
2007-01-24 05:57:46
answer #4
answered by Prahalathan 2
does she have any scars from the abortions? i'm not just talking about physical, but any mental scars, too?
i would recommend getting yourself checked out by a doctor before trying to get pregnant again. and perhaps finding a counsellor to talk about the forced abortions, too.
2007-01-23 19:11:35
answer #5
answered by Carla S 5
Despite that abortions are a Major sin against God!
she is still very caipable of getting pregnant
2007-01-23 22:24:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
there is not any authentic "cutoff". you only have a a techniques better probability of beginning defects and miscarriages and your fertility decreases greater often than no longer. PCOS could basically injury your possibilities greater. no count what age you're, maximum ladies have concern conceiving with PCOS.
2016-12-16 12:14:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous