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I heard that there were sites that enable you to track cell phones by GPS chips in them (other than the Disney phones site). The loophole is that you have to be the phone's owner (or law enforcement). Does anyone know of one of these sites, or how much it costs? Would come in handy with a wife, kids that are supposed to be at mall, or even just a misplaced cell phone.

2007-01-23 18:44:54 · 5 answers · asked by D4gotten1 3 in Consumer Electronics Cell Phones & Plans

5 answers

well.. the best thing i can tell you.. is get phones through verizon wireless.. there is this feature called chaperone.. and you can have a parent device.. and give your wife and child other devices(as long as the feature is available on it) and you can get on the internet or from your cell you can see were they are at...

Chaperone lets you easily locate your family members handset from your Verizon Wireless phone or PC - in real time, at any time.

Chaperone with Child Zone lets you define a zone - specific area, such as a school or mall or park etc. When your family member enters or leaves the zone with their handset, Child Zone will automatically send an alert to your phone with the time and location of your family member's handset.

they have many of nice phones that are capable.. like give your wife and kid chaperone device like lg chocolate phone.. or many more.. and you can have a parent device.. not a whole lot of devices but it can b like the lg enV

2007-01-23 20:10:43 · answer #1 · answered by Chuck 5 · 0 0


2017-01-18 13:03:13 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

My wife and I both have insane schedules and we were just finding less and less time to keep track of our daughter's online activities. After seeing that Dateline To Catch a Predator show, we decided it was time to take action and installed your parental monitoring software on our daughter's phone.

2014-09-10 19:02:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I used to use phone tracking software MaxxSpy. It's really very good. Thanks MaxxSpy that I can monitor my child and better management. Moreover, the MaxxSpy offers monitoring software MaxxSpy, the first software to locate and spy-call (Auto answer) a cell phone for free. I really like it.

2014-09-07 18:10:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm not aware of a service like this.

For tracking children I can see many advantages, but I would not be in favor of tracking spouses in this manner. That's just one step-away from Big Brother ...

2007-01-23 19:06:24 · answer #5 · answered by Kleineganz 5 · 0 1

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