Okay, I'm a virgin, so I know I'm not pregnant. I'm 21, and I've been irregular since I had my first period when I was about 14. I went about 3-4 months without a period, but back then I didn't care. Eventually my mom sent me to the doctor and he ran a few tests and put me on the pill. That helped for a couple of years, but I stopped taking the birth control exactly one year ago this month. I was still regular for a couple of months, but I think late-April was the last time I had my period. Don't know what to do. I'm afraid my doctor will put me on the pill again, but I don't want that. It didn't help the problem, it just covered it up for a while and ultimately made it worse. Any suggestions?
14 answers
asked by
➔ Women's Health
It's kind of embarrassing, but yes I have noticed excess hair on my breasts, I experience bouts of fatigue, and my thyroid has been swollen for about 3 weeks. Does that mean I have PCOS?
18:26:48 ·
update #1
Also, my breasts have been very sore lately and I've been having pains like my period is going to start. It's quite irritating.
18:29:18 ·
update #2
No, I'm not overweight or underweight. I eat 3 meals a day, and I'm pretty healthy. I do smoke though. I'm 5'1" and 105 lbs. Pretty normal for a petite woman.
18:30:33 ·
update #3
Go see an Endocrinologist (specialist in hormonal disorders). You may have PCOS and this doctor can help treat it using something better than birth control pills.
Good luck.
2007-01-23 18:12:48
answer #1
answered by Nancy 6
This is what is happening to me, so I know what you are going through. I came of the pill 18 months ago and have only had 5 periods.
I eventually got transferred by my doctor to see a gynaecologist after no luck with any tests that he had done. I did have to see my doctor a few times to be taken seriously. I did go back after being off the pill for 12 months and cried about the fact that i hadn't had a period in 9 months.
I have now seen a gynaecologist and will get test results next week. I'm scared and glad that I am doing something about it.
When you are younger and go to the doctor about this problem they tell you it is because you are still developing and suggest you go on the pill.
Then when you are older and decide to come off the pill they tell you it is because you have been on the pill and it can take a couple of months to regulate. After 12 months of being off the pill the doctor needs to send you for further tests.
If you don't want to go back on the pill don't. I know the temptation that going on the pill will make you feel better but at some point you will need to find out what is going on. Good luck
2007-01-24 05:28:56
answer #2
answered by Elizabeth C 2
I'd see the doctor again or maybe go to a specialist in case there is something wrong with your ovaries.
If you are happy with not having periods right now i would probably stay off the pill for the moment. You may want to have some kind of hormone control in the future if yo want children though to make sure that you do release an egg to be fertalised but the pill wont do this obviously as the purpose it to prevent egg release.
good luck i hope they find the problem and its not serious
2007-01-24 04:21:40
answer #3
answered by Carrot 4
I am similar also. I first got mine when I was 16 and never were regular.
At one stage, I didn't get them for 13 months, came for 2 months and 8 months later thought of coming back.
I was not on the pill as I have high blood pressure, and thought it was due to that.
Stress can be a big factor in this, but I was not stressed as I thought.
Eventually after testing, I was told I have Poly Cystic Ovaries, where cysts grow on the ovary, making hormones change and not have a period. I was put on a tablet called Metformin. This tablet regulates the hormones for this and should clear it.
This did not work for me as it affected my bp medication, I was then told I may never have kids.
I am now pregnant after trying for a while, naturally..
I think the pill makes your body have a period but doesn't sort out the problem. If your doctor still says to go on this, get a second opinion.
It is your body and you want the best for this.
Hope things work out for you.
best of luck....
2007-01-25 07:57:38
answer #4
answered by Bastet 3
It doesn't necessarily mean you have PCOS, it could also be a high level of testosterone in your body which often results in irregular periods, hair growth in weird places....you get the point. Go see your doctor, if he mentions the pill tell him that it didn't help the first time and demand that he run tests or an ultrasound to see if there are cysts there or if there is a high level of testosterone. You pay to go there, make the most of your money! I wish you the best of luck!!
2007-01-24 02:30:21
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
the pill is really the only way you can become normal.
there are many diseases that can cause the absense of menstration, get a thourough checkup.
it could be your not producing enough female hormones, or too much male hormones.
do you have unwanted hair in places hair doesn't belong? do you lose an excessive amount of scalp hair? any fatigue? how is your thyroid? (the endocrine society has changed the normal values for TSH ) yet doctors only go by what the labs go by which has a bigger window for normal values.
how bout heart palpitations? how much do you weigh? (too little or too much can cause an issue too)
do you work out a lot? what is your caloric intake?
many questions. sorry i couldnt do more.
good luck!
2007-01-24 02:17:05
answer #6
answered by Stephanie 6
I have the same problem. i never had regular period and i haven't had mine for three years. two days ago i was diagnosed with PCOS go take the quiz for it. Instead of birth control you can use hormone pills that make you regular. go to webmd and type in PCOS. I would bet you. That u have a lot of the symptoms. good luck
2007-01-24 02:17:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
My wife went on the pill she got an ovarian cyst then she had the Coil fitted it came out! She went on a different pill now she is hospital with cysts all over her kidneys in agony of course this is going to be "unrelated too" plus she is pregnant now aswell but the she is likely to loose the baby.
Personally I think womens bodies fight these contraceptions. I'm crazy? look at the probabilities of these things occuring it's more likely to win the lottery.
2007-01-24 02:28:20
answer #8
answered by Bohdisatva 3
Go see your doctor! Something is not right. The only girls that I've ever heard of losing their period (when not pregnant) are anorexics. So if you're not anorexic nor pregnant, you need to find out what's going on. There are other methods nowadays for regulating your cycle other than the pill. Make an appmt. to see your dr.
2007-01-24 02:17:18
answer #9
answered by flacocajuncujo 4
What diagnosis did the md give?? polycystic ovary disease or syndrome may do that- and being on the pill helps decrease the symptoms- hairgrowth and wt gain---time to see md again- You could try a progesterone cream or talk to a knowledgable person at a health food store- D
2007-01-24 02:15:04
answer #10
answered by Debby B 6