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2007-01-23 17:53:32 · 11 answers · asked by J 2 in Health Women's Health

11 answers

not even close. I had my first child naturally, (boy was I dumb) and when I left the hospital I remember telling my mother that I would rather be hit in the face with a Louisville Slugger 100 times than go through that pain again. I was not joking either, I was dead serious. My second child I opted for the epidural. - That was smooth sailing!

2007-01-23 18:03:04 · answer #1 · answered by The Pig! 5 · 3 1

after reading all the upper posts.. I beg to differ.. I used to have very mild to almost -0- cramps while I was a teen, but after having 2 children, and as the older I get, the harder and more severe my cramps are. I go to the doctor for a full checkup each year, I am fine and do not have endometriosis or any other problem, just that the doctor chaulks it all up to aging and hormones.. My cramps are so bad that I am doubled over in pain, nauceous, cant see, dizzy, and throw up at times.. all I can do is lay down with a hot water bottle on my abdomen and cry for a few hours.. It feels at times much worse than the labor pains I had with my 2 kids.. So to answer your question.. YES, cramps can hurt as bad as labor with some women.. There are always the exception to the rule... But thankfully this doesnt happen to me every month.. Just every so often.. I deal with. thats life..yoga, excercise and vitamins also help

2007-01-23 22:33:56 · answer #2 · answered by Mintee 7 · 1 0

Menstrual cramps are not supposed to hurt as bad as labor. However, if a woman has painful menstrual cramps it may be due to endometriosis. I was in labor dilated up to 8cm before I had an epidural so I know what labor pain is. I also suffered with endometriosis pain for 20 years because I didn't know that severe menstrual cramps are a symptom of endo. I just thought that I had bad cramps. I can tell you this, before I started to get treatment, my menstrual cramps were probably as bad as being 5cm dilated. Now I know that menstrual cramps that are that bad aren't normal. More girls and women need to tell their gynes that they have "painful" menstrual cramps, so that they can be properly diagnosed with endo. if they have it.

2007-01-23 18:16:05 · answer #3 · answered by Lois J 2 · 2 0

labor is 10 times stronger than any menstrual cramps.....but as long as you keep thinking about the baby you are going to have and not the pains you are having you'll do just fine

2007-01-23 18:06:22 · answer #4 · answered by sweetness #1 5 · 0 0

there's a huge difference between menstrual cramps and labor... labor's much much more painful than cramps. ever heard of women screaming because of giving birth or fainting after? that's how painful it is....

and i congratulate all the mothers here for doing a vey hard but fulfilling job.^_^

2007-01-23 18:03:20 · answer #5 · answered by DruNkStripPeR 3 · 2 0

MENSTRUAL cramps are temporary... LABOR pains START in the Delivery Room, and don't END for 18 YEARS!!! LOL! =)

2007-01-23 19:27:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

only a man that has no female family members would ask that , when your on your period you pass old blood , when you have a baby your passing something the size of a small melon troughthe opening the size of a golf ball ! so nature can do its thing every thing moves outta the way , it hurts more then any one man will ever know(:

2007-01-23 18:07:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No labor pains are much much worse.

2007-01-23 17:57:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no comparsion!!! Labor pain are much worse!!!

2007-01-23 17:59:16 · answer #9 · answered by Jennifer H 1 · 0 0

not even one tenth as bad.

2007-01-23 17:57:43 · answer #10 · answered by Elaine 5 · 0 0

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