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Please ANSWER!!! I need help. Please state why you are in favor or opposed and state your argument.

2007-01-23 16:23:28 · 18 answers · asked by ~bongocheeks~ 2 in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

No, not even for women.
I think it weakens the groups standing as a whole. People assume you got into school or got your job because you are a woman or minority. I think for sometimes people start to expect special treatment - first you get in school, then a job, then a promotion & where does it end.
There was a time it was a neccessary evil but times have changed & laws have changed. The people held back have come into their own & should be treated as equals in every way.

By the way George B. it is Condoleeza Rice & she got her Masters at age 20 from Notre Dame University. Worked for Congress & still had her Doctorate by age 25. No need for special treatment, her IQ & grades along with the fact she is an accomplished classical pianist, does ballet & was active in many other activities incl. her church. Equality should get you unemployed. Stupidity like yours is it own reward.

2007-01-23 16:48:23 · answer #1 · answered by Wolfpacker 6 · 0 1

I like Chris Rock's joke. To paraphrase, "I don't think a black person should get a job over a more qualified white person, but if it's a tie...... F@K 'em."
But I do think if it's a very close decision then you should look at the personal obstacles. It shouldn't be based on race, but as an employer, if I had two candidates for a position in front of me, and I knew that one had worked his way through college, and the other person came from household that paid for his education, and their achievements were basically a tie, I would hire the former, because of the work ethic. But if there was a clearly more qualified candidate, regardless of race or background, I would hire him. I think you should reward achievement, first, then the second priority should be personal obstacles. When you put affirmative action first, you perpetuate the falsity that minorities can not be successful without lowering their personal standards of achievement.

2007-01-24 00:53:44 · answer #2 · answered by robling_dwrdesign 5 · 0 1

I am very OPPOSED!
First they make "special groups" and in a land that bases freedoms on individuals it is wrong!

Second, it is no longer needed or fair-we should try to be equally equal and compete on a level field!

Third and worst, is the detrimental effect on our nation's so called "Minority" groups is obvious! They only make race an issue because the Affirmative Action rewards make it rewarding!
Take away the special treatment for being a "Black" and they will probably consider themselves Americans the next day!
Just ain't worth a socialist dime not to anymore!

ADDED--Consider Laredo Texas, what benifits do the gringo's get when the Hispanics control everything?-Worst part of the Irony, is the vastly majority Hispanics still get government based special treatment on Government loans and Jobs!

2007-01-24 00:33:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I used to be in favor but now I am oppossed.
I think that it is not needed anymore and could be gradually tapered out over 10 - 15 years. Scholarships from private agencies, colleges, etc are fine, but I think that all races and people should succeed by their merit and ability. I would not want favors given to me, I would want to feel proud of my own success.

2007-01-24 01:30:04 · answer #4 · answered by inzaratha 6 · 0 1

In theory, affirmative action is great. In reality, it is somewhat effective but the truth is that it discriminates heavily and unfairly against Caucasians.
Whites who thought they had already paid their dues by working and studying hard, found out that excelling in school and being a law-abiding citizen is not enough in life to get ahead.
We've learned that minorities and foreigners always trump "white" in colleges and in the workforce.

2007-01-24 00:32:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

It's an interesting argument.
Should the most qualified person get the job?
Should a person of a group other than the hiring person's ever be considered 'most qualified?'
How do you make that happen when people tend to consider 'their' way/race/color/religion/creed/national origin the 'best.'

2007-01-24 00:28:44 · answer #6 · answered by D 3 · 2 1

I absolutely oppose affirmative action. There is not place for affirmative action in a constitutional republic, or a democracy. We are a free country with a constitution, affirmative action belongs in a state with a dictator. Why is it that there is a double standard for affimative action when it comes to admission in to colleges and with employment, verses sports. You don't take a 5 foot 2, 145 pound man and put him in as a fullback. That would be crazy. You put the guy in the position that can do the job. But with schools and hiering, you can take a C average homosexual, immagrant, or person of color, and put them in there, instead of a hyper-qualified white man just because he is white. That is racism. That is also the reason why our education systems are garbage cans. Affirmative action has destroyed our schools in America. That is why white men are being pasted up for promotions at police departments and fire departments. Because, dispite a perfect record and years more experience, they have to answer to the minnority on the commity and lesbians on the commity. Lets say the white man scores a 95% on the writen test and because of the minnorites on the commity, who make up the answers, and they can be anything they want, he gets a 65% on the oral. Because, he speaks English too well and he is too intelligent. Now let's take the minority. The minority scores a 65% on the writen, but gets a 100% on the oral. That is how affirmative action is being used in the state of CA to make sure no white men need apply. Hence, this nation is going to disappear. We are becoming a corrupt, third world, dengenerate, steaming pile of dog terd. You have got to stop these stoned bastard before they destroy this country. It is the birth right of these white Americans to be able to get good jobs in this country. Look at who the police chief is in San Fransicko. An immagrant woman who can't hit a target. You think a terriorist is going to fear a women who can't shoot a target? She goes to pull her gun and the hat falls off her head. What about all you good feminist. The short haired mean faced women who demand jobs that they can't really do. And, they become chief, a lesbian who can't lift a hose. Yes my friend, I oppose Affirmative action. The only qualification that should count is brains, ability and experience. But their is a witch hunt in America against the white man. Especially the Christian white man. You know, the guys who built this country. And, guess what. They did it without computers. 96% of all the great buildings, bridges, and technology in this country and through out most of the world were designed by white men without computers. The Golden Gate Bridge for example. There were no Chinnese, lesbians, muslims involved in the designing or building of that bridge. What does that tell you? There is a reason why this country is great. It is because of God. He gave us this land and made us a great nation. Today, however, we had immigrant pieces of garbage who come here for welfare and to take jobs that they aren't really qualified to do, and all they do is complain about how we do things here in America. It's not good enough for them here. They don't want to leave, they just want to complain and try to make it as much like the dump of a nation that they left. They come here with an alliegence to some dump of a nation they fled. They refuse to speak our language, they refuse to assimilate, they spit on our flag, God, boarders, culture, family values, and idioits think it is because we need to be nicer to them. We need to give them everything. That is not how it works in a constitutional republic, a capitalist society. That is how things work in a communist nation with a dictator. In this country, if you work hard, have brains and drive there is no limit to success one can achieve. So why do we now think that we should take idiots, lazy bums, and less qualified, or people without qualifications whatsoever, and move them to the front of the line? That is a plan for self destruction. We will become a third world country if we do that. There will be no insentive for people to work hard and to make progress that way. Affirmative action has caused massive starvation in Zimbobwa. That black Hitler Robert Mugabba took the land and drove the whites off their farms. Now the blacks have the farms and they can't grow the food. There are thousands of black children starving in the streets as a result of Mugabba's rasism. He gave the opperation called "clean out the rubbish." He called thousands of starving black children in the streets, his own people rubbish. He then went out with a begging cup to the world. And where do you think the food came from my friend? It came from whites in the first world. The evil white that you hate so much had to send food to bail them out again. Affimative action is a disaster. And, I don't think very many black people in America want affirmative action. They have too much pride. They are just as capable as any body to do well. But the homo-sexuals and the immigrants are clammering for it. The worst and the dumbest want to exclude white people. Look at the post office here in the bay area. One Phillipino gets a manager position, now all that works there is about 85% phillipinos. Same thing with the DMV, the court house, and any where else that is controlled by a governmental agency. If you think it is bad now, look foward 20 years. There will be punitive laws in place against the once majority whites. The white man and the white women will be purged from every level of society in the name of fairness and equality.

2007-01-24 01:25:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

1) it demeans those it is supposed to help.
2) It creates anger in those who are punished but never did anything wrong.

Lose-lose situation.

2007-01-24 01:05:44 · answer #8 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 1

I am opposed to affirmative racisim.. I mean affirmative action.

2007-01-24 00:25:56 · answer #9 · answered by caciansf 4 · 2 1

If it wasn't for affirmative action I would have never gotten my job because a black lady hired me and affirmative action hired her. That is the way blacks can get ahead because most white people will not hire blacks. they are usually afraid to or just don't know them. -- and we all know sometimes it is WHO you know not WHAT you know!!!
Affirmative action is a must in a racist society like America.
PS white people who say it is wrong are forgetting one thing. They are white! AND IF YOU ARE WHITE YOU ARE RIGHT....IF YOU ARE BROWN STICK AROUND ... AND IF YOU ARE BLACK GET BACK!
There is a two year back up of discrimination cases in the Washington DC office of the EEOC. So if blacks are supposed to have an edge with affirmative action where is the edge?? It is still a racist world here and it will be for a long time. To combat it most whites have to be pushed into hiring blacks cause thats how most will respond--by force!
it should be enforcement action and not affirmative action!
If we are to state that racism exists, which it does, than how will blacks and other minorities (like women) ever get ahead? they probably would still be stuck in the ghetto or the kitchen!

2007-01-24 00:29:04 · answer #10 · answered by Mr. love 3 · 2 6

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