My advice is not to trust anyone in politics or with money on the table. Remember this power game is chess not checkers.
2007-01-23 15:43:00
answer #1
answered by Laughing Man Copycat 5
The actual quote-
"The majority of the nation no longer supports the WAY this war is being fought; nor does the majority of our military,"
He went on to say-
"The war's costs to our nation have been staggering. Financially. The damage to our reputation around the world. The lost opportunities to defeat the forces of international terrorism, and especially the precious blood of our citizens who have stepped forward to serve."
BTW, Webb's son is serving in Iraq now.
2007-01-23 23:51:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well, it was sort of front page news in all the military news publications - the majority of the military no longer supports the way this war is being fought (which is actually what he said, NOT that they are against the war as you write).
The speech:
The facts he cited about the military:
2007-01-24 01:54:03
answer #3
answered by Gerty 4
When he read the Army Times poll that 56% of military in Iraq are against the war.
2007-01-23 23:55:47
answer #4
answered by Mojo Seeker Of Knowlege 7
Actually 72% of the troops polled want to end the war within the year.
2007-01-24 00:31:10
answer #5
answered by barringtonbreathesagain 2
Uhhh, honestly, the source you link to, if you scroll down a little, has a picture of Barack H. Obama and passage out of Corinthians, implying Obama is the Anti Christ.
That really doesn't do a lot for your credibility. If this is a legitimate story, link to its reporting by a legitimate news source.
However,I believe it to be just more "say anything to discredit real veterans and war heros" Republican BS.
2007-01-23 23:45:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You are the lowlife. Sitting on your *** commenting on a patriot like Webb like you know anything.
Go to Iraq fool if you like it so much.
Americans are tired of chickenhawks like you, your draft-dodging "decider" Bush, and Chickenhawk Cheney.
Its beyond your dumb libs vs cons nonsense.
your website is biased bullshit- so basically go fuuuck! yourself.
2007-01-23 23:46:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't think he did, the link you provided is obscure and from an extremist right wing group...about as bad as the conspiracy theorists
2007-01-23 23:48:17
answer #8
answered by Ford Prefect 7
Here is a direct link to the poll. Who was it that lied again?
2007-01-24 00:06:41
answer #9
answered by ArgleBargleWoogleBoo 3
How do you think the Dems got elected? they were all for getting out of Iraq soon. The majority of the country does want us out.
2007-01-23 23:43:37
answer #10
answered by Haven17 5