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I have to write a 20 page mid-term paper for my Communications class, and my topic is "Speech Disorders in Movies and Literature", where I'm supposed to pick a movie or piece of literature and analyze the speech disorders. Everyone else is doing "What's Eating Gilbert Grape", "Of Mice or Men", etc, and I wanted a movie that I know and love. Anyone who has seen this movie knows of the unique dialect of Ennis Del Mar, played by Heath Ledger. I'm almost positive that it's a speech disorder, but I don't know the term/name for it. Are there possibly any speech pathologists out there, or anyone else that knows about these things? ANy help given is greatly appreciated!

2007-01-23 14:59:58 · 8 answers · asked by Mandy . 2 in Entertainment & Music Movies

Ok, maybe I should have elaborated. I don't want to really get into the politics of it- you know, whether they truly were gay or not, etc; and yes, I know that there's a tinge of a Southern Drawl in there, but if you talk to any speech pathologists most will tell you that a drawl in itself is a disorder. It's the way he clenches his jaw and mumbles when he speaks; kind of like a lock jaw. I just can't think or find the term for it.

2007-01-23 15:08:13 · update #1

8 answers

I think Ennis is a shy, confused and insecure man. His trip with Jack Twist made him insecure of his sexuality, and their reencounter made him insecure of wanting to stay with his family. I think it's this insecurity and confusion about himself that makes it hard for Ennis to communicate. He for instance can't hook up with the Cassie girl, because he basicly doesn't talk to her cos he's not sure if he really wants to be her, he realizes that what he wants is actually to be with Jack Twist. On the other hand he's also constantly arguing with Jack Twist because he's afraid to suffer what his dad had done to that cowboy (yeah the pulled-off díck thing), and afraid to leave his family. I believe that Ennis has basicly too many problems in his head and can't decide what life to live, until at the end he loses both his family and Jack and ends up alone in that trailer.

2007-01-23 15:17:27 · answer #1 · answered by jonsinher 4 · 0 0

I always thought he just had chaw in his mouth when he spoke.

What about doing it on Rainman. There is a lot of information on the real "Rainman," too. I had to do a paper on it... had a lot of information about why he spoke the way he did. Very interesting.

Either way, good luck! Sounds like a good paper!

2007-01-23 15:05:13 · answer #2 · answered by madjennyvane 3 · 0 0

Yeah, it's called a southern drawl

2007-01-23 15:03:21 · answer #3 · answered by Black Rose 4 · 0 0

Talk about a lack of communication.. Hahahaha!

2007-01-23 15:06:59 · answer #4 · answered by Vboy303 3 · 0 0

i dont think he has a speech disorder i didnt notice anything wrong with how he spoke

2007-01-23 15:05:18 · answer #5 · answered by Morganna 5 · 0 0

Two straight but lustful cowboys having sex with each other would be a communication disorder to me. It was two STRAIGHT men who just LUSTED after the idea of sex.

2007-01-23 15:02:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

do elmer fud from loony tunes or piglet has a studder :)

2007-01-23 15:03:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

hey dude

2007-01-23 15:02:00 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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