That you live in a country where the standard of living is high and you enjoy many conveniences and freedoms, including the ability to complain about your gov't on Yahoo. Try that in Korea.
I've lived in 3 countries, trust me not only is it best here, but every country's gov't has skeletons in the closet.
2007-01-23 12:26:00
answer #1
answered by Kiss My Shaz 7
Are you kidding me....I can't believe that you can say something like that when men and women are out there fighting for your right to complain and whine. If you want to change something, then do it. In this country you have the right to do either nothing or the right to get out there make the changes you want. I am sure you can tell that yes I AM PROUD TO BE AN husband was in the military and now is disabled and his father was killed while serving. So maybe you could show some thanks to those of whom you are obviously not thinking of that protect you and your right to whine..Hey why don't you run next time and be a part of the government so those of us who do vote have a choice to vote for something different. You can't whine when you do nothing....
2007-01-31 12:12:45
answer #2
answered by armywifegg 1
There is nothing really to be proud of. We dont know shitt because the gov't is hiding it all. They dont listen to the american people and they would rather help some other country instead of their own. Perfect example.... the tsunami that hit India. We were there the next day but when Hurricane Katrina hit, it took them what... a week? Last time I checked New Orleans is a lot closer than India.
2007-01-31 09:05:22
answer #3
answered by Rola 4
I've heard that song. It's about the kind of vulgar, political patriotism in which you're supposed to be grateful for Big Brother and hint that if you don't think so, then maybe you should be arrested for disloyalty. The song's about how you better Get With The Program, jack. Because if you think different thoughts and have other ideas, then you might be a shady character with stuff to be ashamed about. The song is sort of pretty in a petty kind of way, though. It makes you feel noble to be a conformist, as if thinking all the correct thoughts were somehow "thrilling."
But the stupidest idea that the song puts forward is the notion that men are only as great as their cultures can make them. That's really the opposite of the truth, which is that cultures are only as great as the people who make them. The kind of man leads, and the kind of culture follows.
The best of men are always to be found among the dissidents. Not every dissident is superior to every conformist, of course. But the best men are always dissidents, not conformists. Nature never makes a lot of its best and brightest, and human civilization never does well in governing systems that give one, equal vote to fools and to sages alike.
The song says, essentially if not in plain words:
"I'm proud to be a conforming man,
An endorser of the way things beeeee,
And I'll never give birth to any idea
That might bring disfavor to meeee.
I'll proudly stand UP and get my praise
For saying what every other rube says
Cuz otherwise I might get banned
The mob will have its wayyyy!"
2007-01-23 13:43:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well the government is definately a drawback but America has offered the world quite a bit. I'd be proud of the image of democracy that US stands for though not necessarily the way it tries to achieve it. Hey I'm Canadian and I'm ashamed to be in the country that produced Pam Anderson. Proud of our hockey and peace keepers though.
2007-01-23 12:28:21
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's your right, AS an American, to freedom of speech and be able to voice your opinions. I might not agree with you, but, as the old expression goes, I will stand beside you and defend your right to state them. That's part of what being an American IS. Freedom. But why would you not be proud to be American? Don't you know that this is one hell of a country we have been blessed with the priviledge of living in? Are you ashamed that we are not a poor country full of nothing but hopelessness, helplessness, disease, despair, children that will be really lucky to even live through infancy and its people hopelessly unable to help themselves?I think we have it pretty darned good here. It's not all good EVERYWHERE here but it could be a lot worse. People united, that's who we are. I have faith in our government and I support it completely. In 1993, my son joined the Army and although I went almost crazy with worry and grief as only a Mother can feel, and had cried until I was sick, I was ONE PROUD MOTHER the day I watched my son board a jet that took him to Ft. Benning, GA. to begin BasicTraining. I'm PROUD to be an AMERICAN. And By God, I'll exercise my rights, voice my opinions, buy what I want to buy, say what I think, carry my gun, and go anywhere I want to....... BECAUSE I CAN.........
2007-01-31 07:48:27
answer #6
answered by Jade 4
I have had to listen to aquaintances blather about how they're so ashamed of this country, we spend too much, we have big box stores, we're wasteful, corrupt, bla bla bla. They HATE this country and they're so vocal about it but all they do is yap. I think if they hate this country so bad they should leave and make room for the people who are literally dying to be here. This country is the best thing that has ever happened to so many people and I am SO thankful that I was born here and not somewhere else. This country may not be perfect but it is an incredible place to live. It's the land of the free and the home of the brave and I am proud to be an American.
2007-01-23 12:33:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I agree there are so many things right now not to be proud of .... but the American people are the most generous and giving people in all the world...they help the needy around the world....It has nothing to do with our government....So I am proud to be affiliated with givers....a body of people who are helpers and lovers of the hurting and suffering of others.
2007-01-23 12:30:16
answer #8
answered by ticklemeblue 5
You know, thats a very interesting cuestion. Actually, here in México, with different shades but it´s the same! In reality, one should be proud of being HUMAN. Then one should be proud of our PLANET. We should also treassure our different traditions. Here in México I have the freedom of expressing this (Yahoo! nazis permiting, of course) and to work as a mechanic on wheels (I like to be a mechanic) to earn a living, and I can live well. But my attitude was the same when I lived for 8 years in Franco´s Spain! The only menace to my freedom parents! But I walked home to and from school dayly, at night it was safe in Madrid or Pamplona (beware the bullfihgt days, though) and it was a tradition for adults to speak horrors of Franco´s government at Café´s and Bar´s. (nobody went to jail for that)
I studied High School in the USA, and learned English in the process. And it was good too, freedom and expressing ones ideas and listening to others with different ideas (cultivating).
So it seems to me, it´s the Governments that overdo it a bit, not the different peoples. Many people in México like it here a lot, but have to work illegally in the States were they like it less, so they can support their families here. Some people from USA or Canada retire in this country because they have a better standard of life, or spend less (that´s changing too fast!) or the weather is better for their health. Governments are going Global, Right or Left: but the bassic problem is shelter, food, work...I am lucky that my work as a free lance is respected and apreciated. It allows me to be and work in different little towns (get paid for that), in places that tourists from other countries pay expensively to visit. And snaks in market places, are real food, not junk food (junk food is invading fast) I have friends from many Nationalities, Religions, Philosophies, Sex prefferences, Jobs...multiplicity is very enriching. So I can´t be proud of any government, they all lie in the name of "National Security". But the people of every country I lived in, of them all I am very proud! And I am open to meeting new nationalities, because its the same Humans under different Governments. And I don´t despise Governments, just ignore them. I only deal with them (boring) when I need a Visa, or FM paper, or license...
DonYan the Planetarian
2007-01-31 11:32:40
answer #9
answered by 0 2
Amen brother. Amen. I get so sick of people going if you don't like this country then leave. Okay I'll just go out to my magical money tree and get right on that. Let's all be good little obtomitron droids and follow whatever the man has to say. He has all the money, he must be right.
2007-01-31 08:49:12
answer #10
answered by neve_freak2001 5
no longer something incorrect with 80s hair band ( Van halen, Pantera , rather rebellion, Snider and twisted sister, Skid Row, Ratt , Bon Jovi, Cindarella, Saxon, Dokken, Def Lepard.......) i don't love poison although for some reason or yet another.
2016-10-16 00:28:26
answer #11
answered by Anonymous