Hello there, i think that you should check your speaker if it is plugged in right. If it is plugged in right, then you should try setting the volume setting. Here is how to set it:
At the bottom of the screen, double click on the volume icon. Then click on options, there you will see Advanced Controls, make sure it is selected. When finished, click on Properties. Make sure Playback is selected, then where it marked Show the following volume controls, make sure all is selected. When finished, click OK. After you are finished with that, now it is time to set the scale of the volume. At the top where is Marks balance, make sure the slider is in the middle of the scale. At the bottom, the first one must be high, the second one must be two bar up. The rest must be up at the top, except Line In must be down and Microphone must be muted. After you have finished, you can play a song.If it is too loud you can adjust the first slider.
Bye bye
Good luck!!
2007-01-25 05:40:33
answer #1
answered by Ravie l 2
Normally you have two audio devices. One is the PC speaker, a little thing that beeps and what not. The other is your sound card or audio chip that is built in. You need to give some more information. Are your cables plugged in? Are your speakers turned on? Is your device enabled in Windows? Is the software volume set correctly or is it muted?
2007-01-23 12:05:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Speakers turned up? and plugged in?
Check sound and audio devices in control panel for the volume. or the little speaker logo in the tray on ur desktop (by the time). assuming ur on windows xp or something.
2007-01-23 12:07:24
answer #3
answered by litleshortarse 1
If your computer is not working properly while you are working on it, it could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software.
Detailed instructions at http://tinyurl.com/yk5zpr
2007-01-24 12:12:55
answer #4
answered by asila 3
U need to reinstall ur driver by going to support and solution in ur PC website.
2007-01-23 12:09:07
answer #5
answered by Best Helper 4