I think your best bet is to point it out to a trustworthy adult and they can notify some child protective service place. I think they will give more attention to a report given by and adult than someone younger.
2007-01-23 11:28:18
answer #1
answered by ♥Me 3
I'm sorry your friend has to go through something like that nobody should have to but the best thing to do is go to child protective services and they will look at everything and will then determine what the best thing she can do is. she can also try going to a relative (that she can trust) if she is afraid to go to child protective services and see if they will take her in and go to Child protective services and get legal custody of her.good luck and again sorry she has to go through that.
2007-01-23 12:01:04
answer #2
answered by just bored 2
Ok the laws are the same every where. You or someone need to call protective services hot line and you can be anonamis about it. They will come out and investage they famliy. If they find something she then can be placed somewhere else. And she needs to speek up also.
2007-01-23 11:30:13
answer #3
answered by splashykp 2
There is no child in this world that deserves to be abused.
800-4-A-child - 24 hour hot-line - 7 days a week
800-342-3720 - Child Abuse Hotline
800-25-abuse national child abuse hotline
crisis_hotlines.htm for additional information
2007-01-23 12:18:31
answer #4
answered by debster 2
If a teacher or guidance counsler can't/won't help, try looking for your local Department of Child Family Services or D.C.F.S. and give them a call and see what they can do. If she's truly being abused they will step in and help.
2007-01-23 11:30:11
answer #5
answered by norm2120 3
she can go to the counselor at school and they will call Protective Services who will investigate any claims of abuse.But tell her that they will take her out of the home and put her in a foster home. They will most likely take any brothers and sisters also.
2007-01-23 11:36:05
answer #6
answered by elaeblue 7
I suggest her trying to stay over at friends houses as much as possible.But that is just avoiding the problem. If she has talked to you openly about the abuse and wants something done, then while she is at your house you and your friend confront your parents about it. Talk calmly and have them call the police to report the abuse.
2007-01-23 11:30:34
answer #7
answered by blueyboy1994 2
It might also be city dependent.
So where are ya? El Paso? Houston? Dallas? San Antonio?
Well, call the city police force and get them arrested for child abuse.
2007-01-23 11:30:10
answer #8
answered by ZZ 4
i live in Texas too she needs to take the case to an attorney general and try to find one of her relatives talk to them and get this situation handled there is always CPS she can call or she can easily go to school and talk to an officer on campus its really not hard to get help sweetie
2007-01-23 11:37:47
answer #9
answered by Tamara Loves Kenny 2
Call child protective services.
2007-01-24 02:13:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous