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What do you think are the worst movies ever? Tell me what and why....

Personally I think the Pirates of The Carribean 2 was TERRIBLE... It made no sense!

2007-01-23 10:15:02 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies

I have seen the first pirates, but for some reason I just HATED the 2nd one, I don't know why exactly..

2007-01-23 10:26:28 · update #1

I have seen the first pirates, but for some reason I just HATED the 2nd one, I don't know why exactly..

2007-01-23 10:26:31 · update #2

27 answers

Thanks to my years of being a video store manager, here is a list that should top them all.

Star Trek Generations

Glenn And Glenda

Plan 9 From Outer Space

Bloody Mallory (forgein horror film featuring a bunch of special-secret-agents of the Vatican that work as ghostbusters)

Killer Drag Queens On Dope

Plastic Utopia

California Fever

The Wizard Of Speed And Time (special effects enthusasist made this one for people who like stop motion animation and sped up film tricks)

The Edge (Anthony Hopkins, Alec Baldwin, and a bear)

The Remains Of The Day (good acting, but they needed a better script)

Steel Dawn (Patrick Swayze in a Mad Max type film except only land yatchs instead of cars)

Ice Pirates (sci-fi comedy with water as a valuable commodity)

Heavy Traffic (Ralph Bakshi film from the 70's)

Crocodile Dundee 3

Breaking In (Burt Reynolds stars as an aging safe cracker out to teach a new thief).

Jinx (Dolly Parton teaches Sly Stallone to be a night club singer)

The Wiz (kid video game champ)

Over The Top


From Justin To Kelly

2007-01-23 11:03:17 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin k 7 · 0 0

Pirates 2 isn't even close to such classic stinkers as

Myra Breckinridge
Lost Horizon the Musical
Heaven's Gate
The Terror of Tiny Town
Zabriskie Point
At Long LAst Love
Robot Monster
The Legend of the Lone Ranger

2007-01-23 11:18:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"Plan 9 From Outer Space"
Often considered the worst movie of all time, Plan 9 From Outer Space does boast tombstones that are made of cardboard and tip over during the movie, it does feature one shot of Bella Legosi that is reused over and over and over, it does show a cop scratching an itch on his head with his gun, and stars a Swedish wrestler as a California cop. The first 8 plans by aliens from some planet that doesn't really matter fail, so they employ their ninth plan for taking over Earth. All I know about the aliens is that they are dedicated to their cause, you would have thought they would have given up taking over Earth after 6 tries. You will have a good chuckle during the movie with the cheesy special effects and the silly acting and cheap props, but the entertainment value does make it better than some movies out there.

2007-01-23 10:33:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Talladega Nights
The Abyss
Thin Red Line
Terminator 3

2007-01-23 10:23:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yeah I totally agree-gree (from "Not Another Teen Movie") , with Jackie Carmichael. Nepolean Dynamite was the absolute gayest (stupidest) movie I've ever seen. Ppl saw they love that movie. Uhhh--no!
I hate that movie because it is SO (x50) B-O-R-I-N-G!
It's like he's on crack or something like that. [sniff, sniff].
He's so dull in that movie.

ps. No offence but DON'T EVER dis Pirates of the Caribbean 2!
It was NOT terrible! Yes, i do lik ethe 1st one better but still.
In order for it to make sense you HAVE to watch and pay real good attention to the 1st one.

2007-01-23 10:34:47 · answer #5 · answered by ☆ Sarah ☆ 4 · 0 0

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

2007-01-23 13:55:57 · answer #6 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Striptease with Demi Moore and The Beach with Leonardo DiCaprio

2007-01-23 10:22:18 · answer #7 · answered by Flippin _Greek 2 · 1 0

I absolutely hated "Vanilla Sky" & "White Noise" But I did like Pirates 2. What did you not get?

2007-01-23 11:34:00 · answer #8 · answered by qpi 3 · 0 0

Napolean Dynomite...was a real waste of time. I don't get why some people thought it was so great, it was just stupid.
Pirates2 was a bit disappointing...I thought Captain Barbosa was killed in the first one by Jack, but he just strolls down the stairs in the 2nd one?

2007-01-23 11:28:21 · answer #9 · answered by artgirl11 3 · 0 0

My famous is Newsies. Its an older disney musical that no longer many human beings have heard of. (no longer a caricature) It stars Christian Bale. ( I additionally love The darkish Knight! ) My least famous could be Cinderella. Its so over rated and It particularly gets on my nerves.

2016-11-01 02:50:24 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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