I'm a democrat, and am quite liberal in most things. But not this. I just can't wrap my brain around the idea of killing babies. Also, it doesn't JUST involve the woman's body, it also involves the baby's body. And I'm pretty sure the baby wouldn't choose to die.
2007-01-23 09:57:41
answer #1
answered by pisceswoman87 6
You think rape is a good excuse for abortion. What about if the mother wanted the child but there is a risk to her. What if she had the possibility of dying? Is that right also? The debate on abortion should begin with the question: "When does life begin?" Does it begin at conception? This can be debated with "The fetus can't yet live on it's own, so it is just a parasite in the womb. This does not constitute life in humans." I think everyone has the right to their own opinions, and they should not be condemned for those. It is a free country. Yes, I believe the father of the child should be consulted and other options explored. But, you also have to think of the negative side of them. There are so many children trying to be adopted right now, and people don't want to add more problems to the system. Around 20% of children in the United States are living below the poverty level. You need to consider all of this and more.
2007-01-31 17:39:05
answer #2
answered by jade_d05 2
I respect your opinion. I noticed that you have not looked at the big picture. So many women should not even have children at all. Look at the news today and see how many women are killing their children. Look and see how many children are abused and they never recover. These same children that are abused grow to become abuser. Pedophiles come from being abused as children. I don't excuse them for this because they have a choice. Theses adults are marked for life and will never lead a normal life because of their sick actions. So if a woman makes a choice to have an abortion because she does not want the child than it is her right. Because that same child who is brought into a unwanted home may grow up to become a killer. If he or she is caught I bet you will want that person to get the death penalty. Foster care systems is very flawed and adoptions are not guaranteed. If the government starts making decisions what I can do with my body than what else can Big Brother do. When we lose simple rights it leads to losing more than you bargained for.
2007-01-31 10:33:01
answer #3
answered by caribbeanmeme 3
o, yes it it a hot topic but i do agree with abortion, no question about it. What i do not agree is: gettin an abortion due to stupidity (ie. not using a condom because of the heat of the moment and so on....). However, it is ok if the future kid cannot be cared for (ie. provide the basics every kids should have...) Yes, it is a choice and as such i want to have it. I want to decide for myself whats best: a kid that cannot be cared for and therefor ruin both lives, its not a good idea. It would be, infact, even worse then having an abortion in the first place. I do believe in the right to choose but i also believe in the fact that girls and boys should be educated and know the facts. Wheter at school or at home. There's nothing worse then growing up not knowing what the consequences are when we have sex and what to do to prevent unwanted pregnancies. And i also do believe that kids shouldn't have kids.
2007-01-28 20:29:25
answer #4
answered by Val® 3
Well I'am against abortion completley I could never do it. If you are raped that is different but then again if you get raped you should right to the hospital and they will give you the pill so you won't become pregnant so that can be stopped as well. Me and my friends talk about this all the time and the only way I could have one would be if a family member did something to me and I became pregnant other then that I would never do it. I do how ever feel that it is you'r body and you do have the right to do that if you wan't but it should be under the right circumstances not just because you don't want a baby there is always adoption and sooo many good people want kids that can't have them and would love that baby as thier own. One reason they don't make it illegal to have an abortion is because if they did that so many woman would try to do it themselves and end up killing themselves in the process and that would not be good. I know one girl who already has 4 kids she can not take care of and keeps getting pregnant and having abortions evrey single time!! Now that just makes me mad that is just not right. I guess there is nothing we can really do to change abortions or make people not have them so really there is no point in talking about it or worrying about it. God will take care of those who kill there babies thats way they will half to answer to him.
2007-01-30 14:43:23
answer #5
answered by Amy D 5
It is their body so it is their choice whether they want to have the baby or not. Also, what did you just said?? That child or fetus?? The child is not born yet so it is not even a human. The fetus is still inside the woman's body so it is the woman's choice whether it should live or not. In this case, the woman SHOULD have a decision for another life. If the woman don't have an abortion, who will support the kid when it is born. If the woman will be responsible for the kid, it should be her choice on what she should do for kid's life.
2007-01-30 09:05:50
answer #6
answered by youngwoman 5
Boy have they brainwashed you really well. Abortion should never be taken lightly. That being said, what about all of the cases you hear of gross negligence and even murder of children by parents who had no business having or being around kids. How does the kid that survives that abuse turn out in his/her adult life? More than likely a ward of the state in some prison somewhere.
Why should a group of men (including myself) whose deed was done at conception except for emotional support, tell a woman what she should do with her own body? Maybe you'd like it better if a man who didn't know you told you that you had to have your tubes tied even if you didn't want it. How is that different from women having a choice to carry through a pregnancy or not?
Let's not get into adoption either because that's another case for another set of questions.
2007-01-23 18:39:30
answer #7
answered by Thunderman9 6
Even if I became pregnant as a result of being raped, there is no way I would have an abortion. I would most likely see that the child would be adopted. Abortion is not an answer, it's a crime. This is not merely a Christian issue as some would hope to stir up here, it is a HUMAN issue. I would give up my life for my child's.
2007-01-23 18:21:10
answer #8
answered by up_all_night 3
I think that you should be able to have an abortion up to 9 months after the baby is born, too. That way the father gets to help decide about slaughtering an innocent child, too.
It is insane that the government will not allow you to put drugs that they do not approve of into your body, but when it comes to murdering the most helpless people, they approve. There's got to be a special place in hell for these people.
2007-01-31 12:20:01
answer #9
answered by xxx29316 1
Satan has ahold of this world in these latter days. He has programmed us to believe that it's our "choice" to do whatever we want with no consequences.
I believe that people are selfish, in this day and time, and abortion is an easy way out. They have the attitude that they can play with whomever they want too and if they "get in trouble" they can fix it. (It's fine to have sex with someone but God forbid you're going to have their child. ***rolls eyes***) It's easy to try to convince ourselves that a fetus isn't a person or a human spirit. That way we won't have to live with our conscious knowing that we killed someone.
I've had 4 children of my own and I've felt them move in the womb and I know that they are spirits and humans......not just Fetus' and "things". I don't understand how anyone who has had a child can say that they are not children while in the womb.
I personally wouldn't ever get an abortion....but that's just me. *I* personally would have the child if I were raped or if I knew that I was giving birth to a deformed child that wasn't ever going to breathe or that *I* would die......but that's just me. I can see why some ppl might choose to abort a child if those were the cases....but I don't agree with it. The ppl that choose abortion as a form of birth control just b/c they got knocked up b/c they were stupid and couldn't keep their legs together.....well, there is a special place in hell for them, IMO. :|
2007-01-30 18:14:59
answer #10
answered by The Old Woman Who Lived In a Shoe 1
Everyone knows it's murder, but it's legal...so we're all to blame. Slavery was legal too, but that didn't make it right now did it? It's not a woman's body. That's just a convenient phrase to justify murder and soothe over guilt and conscience.
Simple logic: Left alone to live, would it become a dog,or a cat? No, it will develop into a human. Is it alive? Well...if it weren't alive, you wouldn't have to kill it. So, it's human. It's alive. And we kill it. If that's not murder what is? Oh it's a choice alright. A choice to birth you child or murder it. 'Bout 50 million dead babies so far and counting. But we're not allowed to talk about it. It may offend someone.
2007-01-23 18:17:24
answer #11
answered by Vizzini 4