2007-01-23 09:02:21
answer #1
answered by evening_dewpoint 5
Define "true love"... You can't. No one has succeeded to pinpoint just what "love" is, and what, if anything, distinguishes "true" love from other ("false"?) kinds of love. From a biochemical perspective, "love" is a release of certain chemicals in the brain. Whether or not it lasts "forever" (which, most of the time, it doesn't) does not make it any more or less "real". There's no doubt that many divorced people think that they have made the "wrong" choice - hindsight is always 20/20. I think just as many feel that they made the best choice that was available at the time, and that they would not have changed a thing - whether or not it led to divorce later.
2007-01-23 09:24:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I believe that it is possible for true love to last forever, IF one is willing to work at it. I look at love as a beautiful flower, if you don't water and tend to it's needs, then slowly it will shrivel, wither and die. And, I believe that this is the problem with many marriages now a days. Marriage is a lot of hard work, patience, and sacrifice. One must be able to be trustworthy, loyal, respectful, compromising, and commucative only to name a few. It's not that the divorced people made a wrong choice, it's because somewhere along those lines, there was a lacking of some sort if none, hence the divorce. True love can last forever, if you work at it!!!
2007-01-23 09:14:27
answer #3
answered by Yahoo Anwers 5
This all depends on the situation and circumstances behind things. Yes i feel that true love does and should last forever but it does not mean the other person you have married feels the same way about you.... Yes most divorces are not wise decisions but no one is perfect you know. I feel that at times we give up to easily and stop trying. BUT if you are being beaten or abused or if they are constantly being unfaithful or if they want out then you have not choice but to leave and divorce. At the same time if true love is felt by both i dont think that divorce is any where near as common. Love and marriage is a choice.
2007-01-23 09:06:16
answer #4
answered by Lady Hewitt 6
No because you can still love someone, but not be able to live together or be a couple anymore. Lots of people also fall out of love and it just happens because we are always growing as people and needing different things.
When someone gets married at a certain age, they can be a totally different person because of things that have happened in their life and therefore cannot be with the person they chose to be with many years ago.
I think people get married too easily and that's why the divorce rate is so high. When you get married for the wrong reason or after knowing someone for 6 months, that marriage will most likely end in divorce.
2007-01-23 09:03:35
answer #5
answered by atxtallchick 3
My opinion on true love is this, two souls that are meant to be with each other will find a way, no matter what. So, divorced couples may have found "love" but not "true love". It's not that they made a wrong choice, they just didn't marry the right person. I can't speak for all couples, or even "true love". But I do know that it exists for those who believe and are worthy.
2007-01-23 09:06:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Just because you marry someone doesn't mean they were your "true love". It would be nice if they were, but people marry for a host of reasons, and that's probably not even in the top 5.
Second, finding true love doesn't mean the day-to-day relationship of a marriage is going to work out. Marriage is so much more than love. It's hard work. It can require lots of care and feeding. It's rarely just those two people. It's the pressure of jobs, bills, in-laws (out-laws), children and things going wrong. Sometimes the love is there, but you just can't be partners.
I still love my "true love". Our relationship didn't work out, and even if he begged me, I wouldn't take him back. I will always love him, but the day-to-day stress of ANY relationship is too much for him, and I don't need to be the only one who can cope with the bumps in life. If I'm the only one who is capable I may as well be alone. I want a partner, not more baggage.
So, my answer to your questions are: (1) maybe true love lasts forever, but that doesn't mean you end up with them and (2) in the final analysis, yes.
2007-01-23 09:10:59
answer #7
answered by Kaia 7
i think true love is suposed to last forever, but then there are times when a spouse lets temptation take a firm hold. and there is no on e to get spouse back. whether it be an affair or just cing if the grass truly is greener and the other side. and its not a wrong choice if all is discussed and nothing happens then yes a divorce is a choice
2007-01-23 09:04:57
answer #8
answered by mommie 4
Not neccessarily.
People can enter into a perfectly good marriage, wisely chosen and with the best of intentions, but still fall apart because one or both partners changes in character over time.
(How many times have you heard someone say,"He/she is just not the same person that I married."/??)
That being said, I do believe that too many people jump into unwisely chosen marriages. The choose mates for the wrong reasons and then find themselves wishing they had not. Or they have unrealistic fairy-tale ideas about what love is supposed to be--all heart and flowers-- and when it's not, when it's real life instead, they bail.
2007-01-23 09:00:31
answer #9
answered by x 7
I think that sometimes people grow apart and their feelings change. Especially if you marry young. Does that mean it wasn't true love??? I don't think so. I loved my ex when I married him, and I still love him as the father of my children, but I am not in love w/ him anymore. He was abusive then yet he has remarried and he is not abusive to his current wife. We both grew up, and we found another form of true love, w/ other people.
2007-01-23 09:11:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Hrm...what is true love?
According to Webster's I guess you can have more than one true love. I was only able to find one entry for it in Webster's:
Main Entry: true·love
Pronunciation: 'trü-"l&v
Function: noun
: one truly beloved or loving : SWEETHEART
True love is such a misnomer to me sometimes because I believe you can have more than one true love in your life at different stages in your life.
You see to me the question should really be "Can you be true to your love forever?" And the answer to that question is what people are really asking. We don't put faith into true love, we faith into the people we love.
2007-01-23 09:20:48
answer #11
answered by hw 2