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A group of us get together and play the board game and we have now memorized the questions and answers from playing so much. We need help in creating new questions to ask.

2007-01-23 08:31:39 · 3 answers · asked by punchbug34 2 in Games & Recreation Board Games

3 answers

There is a funny story about what happened on the Newlywed game once, and it was edited out and not shown. Then years later they showed it.

The question was ,"Where is the most unusual place you and your husband made whoopie"
They guys had to answer first while the girls were hidden. I believe one said at a baseball game, i belive one said in a park, and i believe the third said on the kitchen table
Then the ladies came out ... i belive the first two answered correctly, but then he asked the third lady
"Where is the most unusual place that you and your husband made whoopie"
and her answer was ....

"In the butt"

everyone started laughing but she did not know why that answer was wrong ..... they stopped the tape and edited the program

Years later this was shown on a bloopers in gameshows special

2007-01-23 18:48:29 · answer #1 · answered by Bill F 6 · 0 0

maybe questions about family members or past hobbies or what-if situations involving things like traveling or colors or anything! you could rename it something like "how well do you know your spouse" :)

2007-01-23 21:48:30 · answer #2 · answered by Megan 2 · 0 0

Has your husband ever yelled out another woman's name while making whoopie

2007-01-23 16:35:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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