yes with some reservation.saddam needed to be addressed, wmd or not, but i truly believe the intelligence community did their best, all of them. as far as terrorism goes, one of the major complaints was that we(U.S.) did not have enough intel in the middle east to combat the murderers. now we do and it shows with each arrest. this may have been the kick in the but we needed to fight this war for the next 10-20 years from now just as russia, china, israel, saudi arabia and countless others are already doing. the wave is coming and until we can fight it here we must keep it over seas. i hate war but until people want peace more thanbthey want control others it will remain whether from al-queda or whomever. bless the meek and damn the war mongers.
2007-01-23 07:56:21
answer #1
answered by BRYAN H 5
i dont think it matters if anyones for it cause the man in charge is for it and everyone else just has to fallow him maybe he has good reason reasons he cant say u know the goverment always is hidein somethin and thats there right if everyone knew what was goin on then everyone would just mess things up by now u should be used to 1 person bein in charge heck it is beat into our head sence school but oh well weather u support the iraq thing or not u need to support the troops cause they are just doin there jobs and they are doin it for u and i so whatever u belive just support the troops
2007-01-23 06:59:31
answer #2
answered by missmycoco 2
I am not. I have talked to one person who states he is for the war. He could not give any sound reasons for his argument to support the war. It will be interesting to watch the State of the Union Address this evening. We all know the state of the Union but what kind of sound reasoning are they going to try to feed us? If George W would send his own daughters to fight in Iraq on the ground with the other soldiers, then I may believe his "strong beliefs" were justified. It is easy for him to send other peoples children to die for his beliefs, when he is not personally affected. I was former military, as well as my husband, Father, Mother-in-law, brothers and I currently have nephews in the military. That is why I believe if one has served and if one has family serving, they have a right to feel strongly against this war!
2007-01-23 07:00:09
answer #3
answered by Shayna 6
Im not for it ,but now that we there i support the troops .
im not sure why we there ,because so many of our boy's are getting killed ,im sure when they signed up ,they where not expecting to get killed right away .
we don't let no other country come in and tell's us how to live ,but we go think we have the right to invade other culture ,religious .
Hope everyone at least support the guy's ,even if you not for the WAR.
2007-01-23 07:03:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes. Because all of us conservatives watch Fox News.
2007-01-23 06:55:52
answer #5
answered by Abu 5
It is inevitable and wll not end for at least 5 years./
2007-01-23 06:57:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous