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All liberals talk about is the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the freedom of the press. How come they do not also respect the second Amendment?

I know guns have been responsible in many, many deaths, but think about this:

If we make guns illegal---
People who VIOLATE THE LAW (criminals) will have guns.
Everyone else will not.

Does this not scare ANYONE??? At least now, someone attacking you on the street has to think twice about it, because you might have a gun. If guns were outlawed, they would KNOW you didn't have a gun, and there would be no stopping them.

2007-01-23 05:48:52 · 18 answers · asked by I STILL hate hippies 2 in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

Why do they interpret 'freedom of the press' as 'freedom of the press' but 'freedom OF religion' as 'freedom FROM religion'?

The democrats are a dangerous silly, little people.

2007-01-23 05:52:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 6

First, you need to recognize you have set up a straw man argument. No Liberals in power would ever and have ever called for making all guns illegal in the US. Only crazy peoplpe say that. Yes it would be terrible if that were true, it would also be terrible if aliens attacked.

First off, there have been no serious threats to the second amendment in the last 100 years, so us liberals don't really see the point of spending a lot of time on it, however if those rights are seriously threatened by the government, you will have us on board also.

Next, may liberals have learned, thanks to Bush that you can have a dangeriously bad government that goes against the will fo the people and threatens our other freedoms, such as the first and fourth amendment. Many, myself included, have been snapped out of our comfort zone by Bush's disasterous presidency and have a new awarness of how bad things could get in our country. For example when asked what he would do about a bird flu pandemic in the US, his only response was thtat he wanted to bring the military in to enforce quarantines in major cities. The army turning their guns on innocent US citizens. That scares the crap out of me and should scare you also. Having armed civilians as a check to that certainly had gained merit and credibility in our eyes. Make no mistake.

Finally, your argument ignores the millions of law enforcement officers who carry weapons and would certainly have enough resources to punish criminials who break the law.

The difference then is, that most supposed threats to the 2nd amendment are not serious or real, but threats to the first and fourth amendements are in place right now thanks to Bush.

2007-01-23 14:00:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Why is it so difficult to talk about the second amendment without all of the rhetoric from both sides? Is there no one out there who possesses a view of this issue capable of some lucid, open-ended debate?

I am a hunter, I own a number of firearms, and I am a veteran of the United States Army. My personal political leanings are conservative, but I don't think "all" liberals are bad. I don't think "all" conservatives are good. I am a supporter of the second amendment, but the zealots at the NRA do not speak for me. I have children, and I would be just as devastated if they were harmed in an automobile accident (which is exponentially more likely) as I would if they were the victim of a violent crime or an accident involving a firearm.

Hopefully, that answers your question, and a special note to the person who talked about someone's "toothless daddy".... I wonder if you would have the guts to say something like that to my face. You would find that if you did, I wouldn't need a gun to teach you to respect your elders. As you were picking yourself up off the ground, I would calmly explain to you that all gun owners aren't stupid rednecks, but all people who disrespect others' beliefs tend to get the piss knocked out of them at least once in their lives.

2007-01-23 14:14:31 · answer #3 · answered by rangerreatta 5 · 1 0

You are making the mistake of thinking everyone who is a Democrat, or voting Democrat, is a liberal. I'm an Independent moderate who will be working on Hillary's campaign. I'm a big fan of both of the amendments you mention. They can take away my gun when they take the guns away from every criminal in this country and even then they're going to have to take it from me by force. It's funny, I used to be a hippie back in the day. I'm not one anymore but I still find myself being repelled by those who stereotype and pigeonhole others in this country. I guess some things that we hippies believed about the far right wing crowd still holds true. I hadn't voted for a Democrat until the mid-terms since before Reagan. But I voted Dem this November and I'll be voting Dem in 2008. I just can't get rid of the bad taste from Bush's Presidency and the blind loyalty the Republicans gave this incompetent President. They may be backing off from him now, but for me it's too little too late. If the Democrats want to put stricter controls on gun possession I won't bark too much. But it's going to take a whole lot more than Republican hysteria to make me believe they are going to take all the guns away from every day citizens.

2007-01-23 14:03:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

.>>Does this not scare ANYONE??? <<

I just never understood why gun nuts ran around so scared and full of fear of liberals trying to take their guns away. My god, I know alot of liberals who have guns. Get over it for crying out loud. Having a gun means nothing if we don't have freedom of speech and to decent from the powers that be. BTW, I know people who have used the ACLU to protect their right to put political signs on their own property when the neighbors and the city disaggreed with their position and tried to bring the couple to court to remove their right to post these political signs in their yard. To simply bash the ACLU means that you are completely clueless about their mission to keep the first amendment strong. The ACLU also makes sure the separation of church and state remains strong. I don't want my tax money going to fund some religious belief, symbol or policy whether it is Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish or whatever.

2007-01-23 14:05:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Your argument for the second amendment is ridiculous. However I strongly believe in everybody's right to own a gun and support the second amendment completely as most liberals I know do as well.
I would like to see some numbers supporting your assertion that they could care less about it.

2007-01-23 13:53:50 · answer #6 · answered by mrlebowski99 6 · 4 0

That is a blanket statement and it is patently false! Where do you get your information? There are always going to be some, from both parties that are going top be anti-gun!

I am a liberal and am pro second amendment! Where we paert company is on the TYPES of weapons and what controls, not a ban!

In fact, most Americans do not favor a ban on weapons!

"Americans favor all measures to regulate firearms short of prohibiting guns in general. First, just like automobiles are registered, drivers are licensed, and car sales are recorded and documented, people, including most gun owners, believe there should be a set of common-sense regulations to control firearms. Second, when it comes to firearms, most people's motto appears to be "safety first." Gun safety is a concern of the vast majority of people and safety measures, from technological innovations such as personalized handguns, to requiring safety training, to mandatory safe storage are very popular. Third, people want to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and to punish those who misuse guns. Finally, attitudes toward guns and gun control are generally stable, and pro-gun-control opinion is even more firmly grounded in thought and action than is the opposition."

2007-01-23 14:05:55 · answer #7 · answered by cantcu 7 · 2 1

Typical close-minded bullsh*t post from a typical closed minded bullsh*t artist. Liberals don't want to make all guns illegal and they never have! Liberals support "gun control" which is the simple idea that it might just be a little too easy for someone to get a gun legally in this country.

Did you know that the ammunition and the guns used in the Columbine shootings were all bought through LEGAL CHANNELS??? They weren't purchased through illegal dealers or the black market... THE AMMO WAS BOUGHT AT A WAL-MART!!!

Does this not scare you??? Do you have kids? Do you want to go identify their bullet-ridden bodies at the morgue because some teenager was able to get his hands on a weapon? I have never owned or carried a gun and I grew up in New York. Never once was I attacked and thought, Gee I wish I had a gun!

Liberals don't want to take away guns, we want to make it a little harder to get one. Stop with your right-wing bullsh*t already. There are children dying out there because you and every other redneck out there want to shoot your guns like your toothless daddy taught you to do!

2007-01-23 13:55:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

I am a liberal, and I believe in the Bill of Rights.

We all have the right to keep and bear arms. Keep your hunting rifles and handguns, I won't try to take them away. Just don't ask for a submachine gun unless you are a soldier or unless there is a full blown war on our soil.

2007-01-23 13:55:04 · answer #9 · answered by jimvalentinojr 6 · 5 0

There are two political objectives. One is to be free to do what you want to do with no interference. The other is to control what other people do and can't do in order to realize some ideal you have for society as a whole.

Most people hold both objectives and fail to realize that they are completely contradictory.

Some people are completely dishonest with themselves and others on this point, and you see this a lot on the Left. For example, they claim that "the people" who have a right to keep and bear arms doesn't mean individual people, even though they claim that "the people" who have a right to free speech and "the people" who have a right under the 4th Amendment to be secure in their persons and effects are in fact individual people, and they claim that "militia" means national guard even though it means almost the exact opposite (the Revolution that was the first step toward forming this country was in fact started when a local militia fought against the Brits, the national government at the time, in order to keep its store of weapons).

2007-01-23 13:59:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

I would disagree with you in part of your assertion. To state liberals are in favor of the First Amendment is to fly in ingorance of the ACLU (who is suing the City of San Diego, CA to remove a cross on Mt. Soledad that has stood for more than 100 years, just for example), the Freedom From Religion Foundation and others.

As for the 2nd Amendment, I agree with you. I don't own a gun, but let's face it, until the manufacture of guns is stopped, people who want to commit crimes WILL get them.

2007-01-23 14:02:33 · answer #11 · answered by MoltarRocks 7 · 1 3

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