While out to eat my son was acting crazy. I took him outside,put him in TIME OUT. Facing the wall. He'd turn around,Id turn him back,on and on. 3 people were outside watching. One lady came out her store obnoxiously accusing me of abusing him. I told her to mind her business,he's in time out,while other kids out there are being abused she's worrying about my kid facing the wall. She said she was calling the cops(they never came)I said,call but he's staying in time out. And I kept him in time out. The 3 people said I wasnt abusing him,he was in time out,period. Had the police shown up,what wouldve happened? Would the have taken her word just to be safe and take my son away? Though I knew I was in the right,its scary because the law takes abuse seriously.
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