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While out to eat my son was acting crazy. I took him outside,put him in TIME OUT. Facing the wall. He'd turn around,Id turn him back,on and on. 3 people were outside watching. One lady came out her store obnoxiously accusing me of abusing him. I told her to mind her business,he's in time out,while other kids out there are being abused she's worrying about my kid facing the wall. She said she was calling the cops(they never came)I said,call but he's staying in time out. And I kept him in time out. The 3 people said I wasnt abusing him,he was in time out,period. Had the police shown up,what wouldve happened? Would the have taken her word just to be safe and take my son away? Though I knew I was in the right,its scary because the law takes abuse seriously.

2007-01-23 05:05:50 · 5 answers · asked by TrofyWife 4 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

5 answers

no you were right and the store owner was in the wrong. if you had hit him or drug him by one arm or hurt him for no reason then yes, or even if the little boy wasnt doing anything wrong and you just freaked out on him. It is wrong i think for that in publi. I always step into the bathromm to discipline my son for something but very seldom do i i just deal with and be ready when i get home to sit him or her down to have a talk about it. You just have to deal with their behavior they are only children. no when to discipline oand for what reasons. no overreacting. and second your child will feed of your nervousness or anger and just behave worse

2007-01-23 05:12:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Time out is not abuse. Time out is a GOOD ALTERNATIVE to abuse. Sheesh...that lady should watch Supernanny once in a while.

The police, if they had come, and I suspect they were called and chose not to come, would have done nothing, except maybe ask a few "witnesses" if they saw you ABUSING (ie. hitting or neglecting) your child. They may or may not ask your child. From there, nothing probably would've happened and if anything, they would have made a referral to Child Welfare, who would perhaps come down, interview you and your child, maybe his school or daycare, and would have closed their file. (Unless of course, REAL evidence of REAL abuse was found. )

You sound like you did the right thing, don't worry, there are always people who put their two cents in when it isn't needed.

Scary thing is is that you hear about people killing their kids or something and neighbors afterwards making statements that they had witnessed or heard abuse, and those people don't ever step in until it is too late, but this woman felt she should bother you.

2007-01-23 13:17:01 · answer #2 · answered by elysialaw 6 · 3 0

Police take accusations of abuse very seriously. But, I imagine if the woman did call and said you were making your son face a wall and she considered that abuse -- they would laugh at her. Time out is a very acceptable form of punishment. And, bravo to you for being consistent and sticking by rules!

2007-01-23 13:11:20 · answer #3 · answered by CxeLady 3 · 3 0

People do NOT understand that, just becaus a kid is crying doesn't mean they're being abused!!

They would have to come out to investigate the call, but once they got there and saw your son in a "time out"...that would have been that; back in their car they would have gotten. Kinda too bad that didn't happen...you could have then sued "Henny Penny" for harrassment, slander and defamation of character...THAT would have zipped her lips for a while!

Sounds to me like you handled the situation MORE than correctly...way to go mom!!!

2007-01-23 13:23:29 · answer #4 · answered by LolaCorolla 7 · 1 0

Calls like that are taken seriously, but of course once they arrive they will assess the situation. I'm sure they would have seen that you were not abusing your son. And with 3 other witnesses to verify that, you would have been fine.
I am glad you didn't give in to that nosy lady.

2007-01-23 13:17:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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