Another thing to consider is that we just went through 6 years of growing totalitarianism with the our elected employees in the legislative and executive branched all of one party. The U.S. still may not survive as a result.
So, do we really want the legislature and the executive orifice in the hands of one party again? Probably not. Unfortunately, the politician who used to be John McCain is the only republican that might win, and he sold out the people a few years ago.
2007-01-23 03:50:41
answer #1
answered by Gaspode 7
An interesting question and one I have considered as an Independent voter. I came to the conclusion that I felt I couldn't trust the chickens to clean up their own coop. Barring some miracle, like Colin Powell running, I'll be voting Democratic in Nov '08.
2007-01-23 12:06:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
hichef no that makes absolutely NO Sense for 2 reasons. #1 Since The Rigged non-election of 2000 dumbya had Control over the Judiciary placing His people(some recently) into Positions of Judgeship that would go along with the Deciders Rules., the scarey part is he is using his executive powers and is basicaly telling everyone that hes the final word in all matters..The same goes (since 2000) for the Congress, being a majority of Repubs that voted Yea on all Bills Boosh PUSHED thru the system, the Lap Dogs aka. Rubber Stamps, knowing or unknowingly agreed to Afgan-Iraq INVASION-OCCUPATION (which that now everyone knows were Deliberate Lies,told to gain support) So in Reality , with Congress also in his pocket, the Two other Branchs of Government are No Longer Needed since the Decider makes him the Supreme Ruler., who in FACT has No Idea what this Country Stands For, while Shredding The U.S. Constitution, NULLIFING The BILL of RIGHTS, Spying, Bullying, Secret Detention Centers, LIES to Attack Afgan & Iraq Now Having Control Over BOTH Countries OIL Resources, and Recklessly Sacraficeing Our Young Men and Women in the Military. all strategy is for POWER and PROFIT of MAMMOTH Proportion. I refer to their kind as Greedy, ultraEgotists, MegaManiacs,.. Many high ranking officals at buscches SIDE are All Owners/Controls of 4 of the Biggest Media Services(FoxFearFactor and Oreilly the Worst of Spinners of MisInformation) or Have Direct Ties/Interest to MegaCorp. Investments in OIL, and some are Directly covering for defense contracts w/Billions being Pocketed, who all told the Same Story of LIES about Sept 11th., Do You REALLY Believe that THREE Hours(or even 3 days) the Tear or Ists were Positively Identified as The Official Bad Guys, whose Mug Shots werew on Corp.Controlled TV 24hrs. 8 Days a Week,,(6 or 7 turned up alive and Well) So now the Corageous, Mighty Leader, Defender of the American People. who is informed of WTC1 Hit, and Bravely go into Booker classrom to hear some stupid goat story, then 26? minutes later Card? whispers to Pres.that WTC2 has Just been Slamed into and told America is Under ATTACK ! And How So Fortunate We Americans are, To be under the Protection(and a Member of The Skull and isnt THAT Comforting ?) of this man, who has at his Fingertips, the Use of a EIGHT HUNDRED MILLION Dollar High Tech-State of The Art DEFENSE SYSTEM. .. I may continue with #2 later, but for right I need to be SICK
2007-01-23 13:16:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I understand the logic, but I have to disagree. If a Republican is elected in '08, that will give them the false impression that the American public agree with their policies.
I've had friends, good friends, that have made huge mistakes.
Sometimes - regardless of how much they deserve the consequences - you just have to step in and make things right.
2007-01-23 11:55:19
answer #4
answered by buzzzard 3
The only way we should elect a Republican President is if it is Republican Congressman Dr. Ron Paul. He is running for President but CNN and the major propaganda networks don't even mention it because he is not New World Order, he is a true conservative patriot who wants a new investigation into 9/11 and to wipe out corruption.
RON PAUL 2008!
2007-01-23 11:45:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
There have been times that I have thought this, in a different way - that the coming four years might be tough ones and it would be silly for people to want the job.
But it never, ever stops them - individuals or parties.
Both parties vigorously compete in all elections, unless the incumbent is expected to win in a landslide. (No one really expected Reagan to lose in 1984, or Clinton to lose in 1996.)
Plus, there is a lot one can do as president, even in tough times. the levers of power do give a president many tools to make changes, in many areas.
2007-01-23 14:23:37
answer #6
answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7
They won't do it. They don't care about the debt. Clinton had to come in and clean up the debt problem left behind by Reagan and Bush Sr. Now it will be more of the same for Clinton II.
2007-01-23 11:44:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If you want change, vote for change. If you think things are fine the way they are, vote for the status quo.
2007-01-23 11:44:36
answer #8
answered by joecool123_us 5
I like this question!
but I have to disagree. I will vote for a president based on their merits and abilities to do the job, not their party.
2007-01-23 11:43:03
answer #9
answered by Feeling Mutual 7
I think it would be wise to elect a "competent" president this time no matter what party they are affiliated with.
2007-01-23 11:43:53
answer #10
answered by lunatic 7