Good question & responses w/out foolish claims or name calling.
I agree w you strongly to a point, but some of the restrictions have resulted from the few messing it up for the masses. School attire is a good example. I went to school K-9 in Maryland w no restriction on guys hair length, shorts (not cut offs) had just been approved, very liberal, wear clothes was the code. Family moved to Texas in 71 & BOOM guys hair couldn't touch collar, no pants for girls w/out matching top.......I was an A student & said oh heck no. Later got expelled for involment in a demonstration over dress code.
Today kids I see in schools have btt cheek showing, bare mid driff lots of it. T shirts w "cuss" words , sex acts, whatever AND in some areas serious fights w students wearing colors of their posse, gang whatever.
Teens have enough going on w raging hormones & all, allowing so much skin it's a problem they have been put in a corner by parents who don't care, aren't there, etc
Parents don't hold up there end school has to.
Smoking restrictions are a case of "we know what's best for you" I don't smoke but don't mind it, particularly in a bar. As for the rights of non smokers, let the market decide (oops don't call me a neocon...NOT) If a business allows smoking & non smokers stop coming, businesses can make a choice.
Second hand smoke isn't nearly as dangerous as some love to claim. And if it really were & we are "protecting public health), why are cigs still being SOLD (oh yeah cuz they make lots of money for powerful people)
If a child is abused it's already against the law, & banning a spanking?? Will it soon be illegal to raise my voice to my kids? It could hurt their feelings.....
Freedom of speech is tougher & the most emotional.. It has never been a right w no restrictions at all. Statements to the contray are just WRONG.
You can't yell "FIRE" in a crowded theater, or technically you can, but you bear responsibility for any damage or injury caused by your freedom.
Likewise if I called you ugly names & accused you of being a child molestor, & you sued me claiming slander or libel, I have to pay if I can't prove my accusation.
Enough of my rant, but a Congress raising or even having a minimum wage a restriction of my freedom as a business owner?
I have three positions available & decide the work involved is worth X to me. Either noone will be willing to do that work for my wage if I'm too low, & I can either offer more, do it myself, or only hire two people as that's all I can afford to pay at the rate folks want to do my work. & still have enough left for my own pay.
Or I may be offering a decent wage to begin with cuz I want good help & that costs a little more. Or it's low but somebody takes it cuz they have no other options.
Is the government performing a necessary function restricting my freedom to pay X??
Late Edit (sorry I never shut up) Agree completely govt isn't all bad, especially since WE ARE the govt. But too often, & I've been involved in enough local campaigns to know...some zealot w their own agenda decides to push an issue the folks being represented had no feelings about at all.
BUT some I KNOW BEST type personality sees something hot in acommunity six states away & decides it's their mission to say...ban smoking, when the folks THEY represnt had no desire to make a change just cuz LA did, or Boston did.. But its too tempting to get the attention & credit associated w a controversial change they do it to feed their ego and help get reelected cuz majority just votes name recognition locally.
2007-01-23 01:43:44
answer #1
answered by SantaBud 6
We are the land of the free, but only to a certain point. I mean, we still have freedom of speech, but I'm sure that will be limited once Bush gets done with this country. I think that we need someone like John McCain in office. But, that's my personal opinion.
We have fought so many wars for the very same freedoms that are slowly being taken away.
I understand about the smoking thing....I am a smoker and I like the law that you can't smoke in a restaurant is certain states. HOWEVER, I am a parent and I DO NOT AGREE with this whole it's going to be against the law to spank your child in public. That's BULL!!!!! I was spanked as a kid and I can tell you that I am just fine. I have a son who needs a spanking once in awhile and he's just fine. Let me say that he does learn from those spankings. It's just a bunch of bullsh*t!!!
Anyway, that was my rant.
Can I say that? I know that God can't be associated w/ the flag or our Pledge of Allegiance. WHATEVER!!!!
2007-01-23 00:54:27
answer #2
answered by Boo Boo Head 4
Actually, take a real good look at what you are asking.. for example, you say 'WE ARE TOLD WHERE WE CAN AND CANNOT SMOKE"
I recall having that on a ballot - We have the freedom to choose our laws. That was not just put into play by the government.
Also, The things that are chosen by the government are decided by our ELECTED officials. The ones who are elected in, are the ones the majority trusted to make the right decision based on what the people want. (not to say that they do make the right decision).
Then there is always the point that we can turn the tables. You say we should have the right to smoke where we want, someone else may say we have the right to breath clean air in a restaurant - who's choice of freedom is correct? Have to go with the majority - In florida the majority voted for limitations on where you can smoke.
2007-01-23 00:49:57
answer #3
answered by rjc 2
I think your logic makes sense, although I can't completely agree with the conclusion reached. Society and the government have imposed certain "rules" that we are required to follow, lest we wish to deal with the consequences. I think the "land of the free" catch phrase pertains, not to small freedoms, but rather larger freedoms that are not enjoyed elsewhere. We have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc. The goverment imposes restrictions on things such as smoking for the health and safety of other Americans. They impose rules regarding class attendance for kids because they want children to be educated and without such rules, some parents wouldn't care less. It's really not so bad if you think about it. American doesn't guarantee absolute freedom (would you be okay if people were free to walk nude through the mall?) just freedom in the major important areas of life. By the way, this was an interesting and great thought-provoking question.
2007-01-23 00:47:14
answer #4
answered by eastchic2001 5
Agreed. However, there are certain standard level of behavior and ettiquite that I think we've gotten lax in, the comment about "what is ok for our children to wear to school". I think parents need to be reminded it is school and if the parent likes to dress as a slob and a slut, the child shouldnt. I wouldn't call that a freedom, I'd call it a social norm expectation that people have enough respect for themselves and other people to dress appropriately for school.
Everything else you point out I agree with.
2007-01-23 00:48:03
answer #5
answered by baby1 5
because in the beginning of the USA it was built by those who were oppessed. they wanted to be free from it.. now it it is a fond memory of a time long past. GW BUSH has seen to it that no American will ever be or feel free again. he has curtailed free speach, and cojolled the nation into beliveing in the terror threat , further keeping the populace under controll and afraid to do anything unless the government approves of it.. with this in mind id say freedom is dead and the saying should be changed to "America land of fear and paranoia" thank you G W BUSH the citizens appriciate your lack of care and honesty
2016-03-28 22:32:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
As my name implies, I love my freedoms! I have thought long and hard about whether recent "Restrictions" are Loss of Freedoms or JUST MAYBE for the good of each individual and our country?
Think about this:
*Smoking Restrictions: I don't smoke anymore and may have just added 29 years onto my life?
*Discipline of Children: Face it.......there are some SICKO'S out there who take PUNISHMENT to the EXTREME?
*Appearance at School: I went to CATHOLIC SCHOOLS so enough said? (I DID get a GREAT education with LESS distraction even though I wore a UNIFORM!!!) It's COOL!
My point is? Could it be that our GOVT. is NOT ALWAYS against us???
Just my opinion........
2007-01-23 00:57:20
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Forced public education
Seat belt and helmet laws
Can't pray at school (so much for freedom of religion)
Can't print certain cartoons or anything negative about Islam-so much for freedom of press and speech)
No more States rights as the Fed takes (unconstitutionally) withholding taxes and threatens states to comply or with holds our money from them (see speed laws) etc.
2007-01-23 00:48:01
answer #8
answered by beek 7
I agree with you about "some" of the freedoms that are taken away from us. A lot of this is caused by your friendly "ACLU". They are against so many things that we used to enjoy. It used to be that when immigrants would come into this country, they knew (and wanted) to study our language and learn our customs. Now days all the immigrants want to "change" us into something like them. They want us to bow down to their needs and learn their language. I don't think it is right that our country hands out welfare to people who are not even citizens of our country. We are being forced to accept this and it is one freedom that we should fight to keep.
2007-01-23 00:46:48
answer #9
answered by George O 1
It is now becoming the land of the slaves, the home of the surveilled.
They are trying to divide the country with the Mexican borders open, they are starting World War 3 with Iran and Syria soon to be attacked. Its total tyranny that must be stopped. Listen to Alex Jones to know whats going on. His radio show is amazing at
2007-01-23 00:41:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous