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2007-01-22 23:58:44 · 4 answers · asked by Jacob V 1 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

4 answers

The biblical meaning of stewarship is generous giving.As an aid for the study of biblical stewardship, Generous Giving offers a collection of short essays that examine stewardship themes in each of book of the Bible. These essays discuss major theological concerns for particular biblical writers and their application in the arena of generosity. Themes are listed in “redemptive-historical” order, from Genesis to Revelation.
Christian stewardship is grateful and responsible use of God's gifts in the light of God's purpose as revealed in Jesus Christ. Christian stewards, empowered by the Holy Spirit, commit themselves to conscious, purposeful decisions.
Stewardship is a way of life. It is a way of living each day in gratitude for all the blessings that God has given to us. The roots of stewardship can be found in the Bible, which tells us over and over that God is the Creator and Giver of all gifts. It is our responsibility to show our gratitude to God for these gifts, by giving back to Him the “first fruits.”

We do not own the gifts God gives to us. We are only here on earth to use those gifts to do God’s work.

In 1992 the U.S. Catholic Bishops released a pastoral letter on stewardship entitled: “Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response.” The Bishops described a Christian steward as one who:

Receives God’s gifts gratefully
Cherishes and tends them responsibly
Shares them in justice and love
Returns them to God.
Sharing our gifts and returning them to God means giving generously of our time, talent and treasure. We give to God by sharing with our Church and with those in need. Time and talent can be shared by becoming involved in parish life, volunteering and offering a helping hand. Treasure can be shared by making a conscious effort to make a financial gift to God first, before we pay the bills and buy the things we want. When we give to God only after all of our personal spending we end up throwing Him the loose change or having nothing left at all to give. When we give to God first we are making a gift of faith, trusting that God will provide for our needs.
We are truly giving Him the “first fruits” just as God asked us to do in the Bible.

Stewardship is often a foreign concept in our consumer-oriented society. However, it was through stewardship that our ancestors built up the Church we have today. In order to educate modern day Catholics about stewardship, the St. Louis Archdiocese has developed a comprehensive stewardship educational program.
the position of steward

In general stewardship is responsibility for taking good care of resources entrusted to one.

related to the environment, the concept of responsible caretaking; based on the premise that we do not own resources, but are managers and are responsible to future generations for their condition

management of the heritage of our natural spaces and species in such a way that it can be passed on to future Canadians intact.

caring for land and associated resources and passing healthy ecosystems to future generations.

The concept of land as a resource, our responsibility to wisely manage that resource, and our responsibility to future generations for the condition of that resource when we leave it.

Care or management of land or waters. The Nature Conservancy’s stewardship encompasses long-term, science-based management of natural areas.

The management of assistance programs to be exercised by Federal officials. Grants management officials oversee the process of evaluating and awarding grants and actively participate in the management of grants to ensure that funding is properly and prudently utilized, that all applicable laws and regulations are followed, and that the mission of the sponsor is furthered.

taking responsibility for the survival and well-being of something that is valued, such as a natural resource

Taking responsibility and caring for the Earth or any part of it. Includes responsibility in using resources and creating as little waste and pollution as possible.

The science, art and skill of responsible and accountable management of resources.

The practices of sustainably managing forest resources with an emphasis on preserving and protecting their long-term environmental integrity.

to be responsible for managing property or resources; the individual’s responsibility to manage his/her life and property with proper regard for the rights of others.

for nature means caring for it in a responsible way.

responsibility for management and use of a resource or place.

Christian management of resources; Church department that develops and promulgates a biblical approach to stewardship ministries.

the gift of your time, resources, money and talent.

The management of estates or affairs not his own

an individual's responsibility to exercise care over possessions entrusted to him or her

The keeping and safeguarding of someone else’s financial affairs.

using wise management practices for many benefits and uses of forestland.

A function of a government responsible for the welfare of the population, and concerned with the trust and legitimacy with which its activities are viewed by the citizenry. It requires vision, intelligence and influence, primarily by the health ministry, which must oversee and guide the working and the development of the nation's health actions on the government's behalf.

An essential element of parish life that challenges all parishioners to share their time, talent and treasure for the fulfillment of the parish mission.

The concept that mankind has an ethical responsibility to care for plants, animals, and the environment as a whole, due to our superior intellect and power to change the natural world.

The practise of managing or looking after the well being of something.

2007-01-23 00:36:40 · answer #1 · answered by Rozzy 3 · 0 1

There are lots of meanings and mostly correct answers. The meaning will be different in different contacts.


The American Indians (native american) always believe in Stewardship of their territory. They never believe in owner ship.

2007-01-23 08:23:24 · answer #2 · answered by minootoo 7 · 0 0

It means caring for something with it's best interests in mind. For example, I work for a no-kill animal shelter. My stewardship is to provide the best care for these animals and place them in good, safe homes; to give them affection and attention and play time to maintain good mental health.

2007-01-23 08:07:47 · answer #3 · answered by Scoots 5 · 1 0

1. plane or ship attendant: somebody who attends to passengers on an aircraft or ship, or manages provisions and dining aboard a ship

2. property manager: somebody who manages somebody else's property, finances, or household

3. hotel or club manager: somebody who manages arrangements concerning meals or lodging at a hotel, club, college, or other establishment

official at public event: a marshal or official at a large public event

5. politics
Same as shop steward

verb (past and past participle stew·ard·ed, present participle stew·ard·ing, 3rd person present singular stew·ards)


1. transitive and intransitive verb act as steward: to act as a steward for a person or event

2. transitive verb guide or direct something: to guide or direct something such as a project to completion
successfully stewarded the fundraising campaign to completion on time
stewarded the bill through Congress to the President

[ Old English stigweard < stig "house, hall" + weard "keeper" (see ward)]

stew·ard·ship noun

Can't get anything better than this

2007-01-23 08:03:28 · answer #4 · answered by satish k 2 · 0 0

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