Truthfully, NOBODY can answer that question with certainty!!! Some babies come very quickly, while others come very slowly!! Plus, there are medical issues that could change the arrival date. Also, I was told by my doctor that my FIRST child ALMOST always takes longer to get here??
However, I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! I was 43 weeks when the doctor induced labor & even then, I had to have a c-section. My back was hurting very badly & I was ready!!
2007-01-22 11:39:29
answer #1
answered by ilovepoison2820 5
I know the feeling! I felt the same way. My water never broke and they didn't break it until I was 39.5 weeks. You should be going to the doctor every week right? Ask the doctor about inducing but i don't think they like to unless the some problem. In my case I didn't have enough fluid left and that wasn't good for the baby. So, they literally stuck a stick looking thing in me and broke my water. It didn't hurt I just felt a goosh. then they put me on pertosin to make the contractions start. now that was like hell. That's the only way I can describe it. they came fast and hard! Not trying to scare you but you should know just in case what your in for. Good Luck!
2007-01-22 19:42:08
answer #2
answered by cinnycinda 4
OK noone was ever more anxious that me to have my baby he is now 1 years old. I tried a little bit of everything like castor oil ( an old folks remedy) but my doctor slapped me on the wrist. I was anxious becasue I was in pain and the baby was sitting on my pelvic bone in an akward position. In the end I had to wind up being endcued becasue he didnt want to come down. This is my 3rd child and beleive me they come when they want to. You may have another week or 2 to go. Just be patient and ENJOY being pregnant next you know you will want to get knocked up again.
2007-01-22 19:35:59
answer #3
answered by jijizworld 2
Exercise!!! I jogged my daughter right on out of me. j/k Seriously though, light exercise will help the baby come faster and also help your labor be a little easier. I went into labor on at work on a Friday, worked and jogged Saturday and my daughter was born Sunday afternoon. Yes it was a long labor but was not very painful until the last 2 hrs or so. Good luck!!
2007-01-22 19:29:13
answer #4
answered by Butta 2
I didn't have any signs of labor up to the day before I delivered- all 4 times!! I wasn't even dilated a fingertip to "stir the membranes". Just be patient, the baby will come when it's ready. My kids were all overdue 1 day to 9 days!!!
2007-01-22 19:48:07
answer #5
answered by Trouble's Mama 5
There is not much you can do except a bit of light exercise and play the waiting game as your baby will decide when he/she wants to enter the world. Try the nesting instinct and start cleaning and tiding cupboards washing curtains etc. and I wouldn't be surprised if you get taken by surprise before you are finished. Good luck.
2007-01-22 19:41:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You've still got time. Ask your doctor to strip or sweep your membranes. My water never broke. They had to break it at the hospital when I was 9.5 cm. I was barely 39 weeks and asked the doctor to strip my membranes that was a tuesday and I had my baby on Friday morning. During those few days I had lost my mucus plug as well. Couldn't hurt to ask!!! It does help!! Good Luck!!
2007-01-22 19:46:56
answer #7
answered by Shannon 5
Don't worry, the baby is always on its own schedule. Once you hit 40wks then you should be even closer. Your doctor will tell you that after 40 weeks they may consider inducing because being in-utero (spelling?) for too long can pose health concerns for you and your child, especially if you are over 35.
2007-01-22 19:36:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i think you need to go see your doctor. my bestfriend was due last monday and still has no had her baby and she is ready to pop, she is having the same problem you are. she went and saw her doctor and he gave her some things to help her go into contractions, we think shes going to have the baby this week. good luck and make sure you contact your doctor.
2007-01-22 19:30:33
answer #9
answered by sweetjla18 1
full term is considered to be 38-42 weeks... so you may still be waiting for a bit, you never know!
2007-01-22 19:25:31
answer #10
answered by Rebecca O 4