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I am 38 weeks pregnant, and I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions for a while now. I already have a 2-year old son, but I was induced at 39 weeks 5 days because my blood pressure was too high. I never really got to feel what a REAL contraction feels like because I had the epidural.

My concern is that I won't know when to go to the hospital, or that I'll go too late. My ObGyn says to go when the contractions start coming regularly at 5-10 minutes apart for about an hour. But if I don't know what contractions are supposed to feel like, then how will I know?

I am still working, and my workplace is an hour's drive away from the hospital I'm supposed to have the baby at. It is a real possibility that I'll have the baby in the car...I have heard that second babies come faster than the first ones do.

2007-01-22 11:15:00 · 5 answers · asked by babybug74 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

5 answers

Very good question! When I had my first daughter seven years ago I had quite a few false alarms!! Okay, first of all you should be on the look out for REAL contractions within the next week to week and a half, not really any sooner! Contractions hurt really bad! If you thought your Braxton Hicks contractions where bad, you haven't felt anything yet.. When you are having real contractions your back will hurt but most importantly your stomache will start contracting (tightening) the tightening lasts for a few seconds at first, then they will gradually start lasting longer. Most women especially if only giving birth to one child are in labor for hours and hours whether its the 1st child or 4th child.. With Braxton Hicks contractions the contractions never got more intense, or one never hurt more than the last right? With real contractions at first they will not feel good, then after a couple of hours of having these type of contractions you will want to start biting on a leather strap. Also, you will feel LOTS of pressure on your lower back and abdomen area. Pressure that you have never felt before, its a very weird feeling. I thought I was going to die before they actaully gave me the epidural! With my second pregnancy it was with twins and I went early and never even knew I was in labor.. I was diulated to 8 when I got to the hospital and wasn't sure if I wanted the epidural!! My advice to you is to wait it out as long as you can at home! Don't go to the hospital until you absolutely HAVE to, its only worse when you get there. Atleast at home you can get out of the bed and walk around without all the crap hooked up to you. I have a feeling you will be fine, just a little anxious I bet.. Good Luck, I hope everything goes great!

2007-01-22 11:35:47 · answer #1 · answered by Stephanie W 2 · 0 0

You'll know!!! I had Braxton Hicks for months before delivery. I knew it was the real thing when I couldn't time my own contractions anymore... I had to just concentrate on breathing. I think my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart when we left for the hospital.

Don't even think about driving while you're in labour!!! It's not going to happen!! Someone will drive you to the hospital if you're at work.

2007-01-22 11:22:23 · answer #2 · answered by naenae0011 7 · 0 0

They start out in various ways, breaking of water or lower back pain. Contractions are usually continuous, at a certain amount of minutes apart. Usually when they are 5 minutes apart that's when you need to head to the hospital and/or call your doctor. If you have more questions, you should talk to your doctor that is caring for you while pregnant.

2007-01-22 11:20:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

okay you have to remember the 5-1-1...5 minutes apart...lasting one minute...for more than one hour. sounds like you may be in labour.... but every pregnancy is different...i would call your doctor though..just to make sure...and you will know when you are in labour...IT HURTS. feels like you have to take a poop..honestly lol. and your stomach will tighten up...back pains...stomach pains...youll know

2007-01-22 11:22:57 · answer #4 · answered by TrentsMomma 3 · 0 0

feels like a charley horse through out your stomach or even in your back, trust me u will know when its time. the charley horse just doesn't go away.

2007-01-22 11:23:35 · answer #5 · answered by c_schreel 3 · 0 0

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