I am 38 weeks pregnant, and I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions for a while now. I already have a 2-year old son, but I was induced at 39 weeks 5 days because my blood pressure was too high. I never really got to feel what a REAL contraction feels like because I had the epidural.
My concern is that I won't know when to go to the hospital, or that I'll go too late. My ObGyn says to go when the contractions start coming regularly at 5-10 minutes apart for about an hour. But if I don't know what contractions are supposed to feel like, then how will I know?
I am still working, and my workplace is an hour's drive away from the hospital I'm supposed to have the baby at. It is a real possibility that I'll have the baby in the car...I have heard that second babies come faster than the first ones do.
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