It's because you're in the same boat. You're noticing others like you. Don't worry: you won't always notice the other pregnasauruses...pretty soon, you'll notice everyone who has a newborn!
2007-01-22 11:18:52
answer #1
answered by KD 4
Isn't it so funny how the human psyche works? I love it...especially how when your pregnant all of a sudden you're watching every labor and birth show that can come on t.v and there's even a little pregnancy jealousy too with other pregnant women. Just a bunch of little small things that all of a sudden get bigger with us over the course of 9 months lol
2007-01-22 19:25:10
answer #2
answered by lilpinklady2000 2
lol, i know, at first it was like, ok this isnt so bad, but then while me and my boyfriend were at a ball game i swear to god we were surrounded by pregnant women, and i was only 3 months then i think, now im 33 weeks pregnant, and its like everyone is about to pop the same time as me!!! i really want a big belly though, my fiance thinks its cute now, but i wanted a big one, because it wasnt fun being in that "is she fat or pregnant" stage from 5 months to the begining of my 32 week, i just all the sudden blew up this weekend, and its awsome!!!!
2007-01-22 19:55:56
answer #3
answered by ruspecialenuf 3
0⤋ does seem like there are a lot more pregnant women around, but as others have said, I think it is just a matter of you being pregnant so you instantly pick that up in other women because it's something you have in common. I just really dislike it when complete strangers touch my belly, and I am so tired of being asked "Is it going to be a boy or a girl?"
2007-01-22 19:17:58
answer #4
answered by babybug74 2
Yeah i thought that too when i first got pregnant. All of a sudden it was like walking down the street produced all these pregnant people that i wouldn't swore weren't there before! lol. Even when watching t.v i suddenly noticed that "all of a sudden" there were more baby advertisements and baby shows! lol
Its amazing what we notice when we are going through the same thing isn't it? lol.
2007-01-22 19:20:39
answer #5
answered by Smiley One 3
Its because you are noticing it more now that you are pregnant. Next time your boyfriend says that tell him: "Fathers to be usually gain weight during their partners pregnancy so you might get that big too"
2007-01-22 19:15:19
answer #6
answered by Kristin Pregnant with #4 6
It does seem this way but it is only because you are more aware of it now.
2007-01-22 19:15:40
answer #7
answered by mommy of two 4
every 1s getting pregnant these days so ignore it as long as Ur not every things a.o.k
2007-01-22 19:17:31
answer #8
answered by `Avenging~ghetto~bird` 3
yes it just seems that way because your'e paying more attention to it!
2007-01-22 19:15:03
answer #9
answered by jewel 4
i think its the line-you dont notice things till happened to you.
now that you are, you notice more....
2007-01-22 19:16:10
answer #10
answered by vkewl182 3