My girlfriends about 6-8 days late on her period. We had sex about three times but we used a condom each time. One time though it felt like I almost came a little but I didn't. It was a feeling that made me just slow down for about a minute(not to get too graphic) but then we kept going. I didnt end up finishing that time, but there was nothing in the condom. Other than that, there is no evidence to make me believe she may be pregnant. This occurance was about 2-3 weeks ago. Come about five days ago she began to worry. She said that her boobs hurt and she felt like she would start soon. Two days have passed and no luck. Today she woke up and threw up but has not had nausea. After mentioning some symptoms, she said she had peed about three times in 2- 2 1/2 hours, had a headache, tired many days but that is very possibly due to lack of sleep. She hasnt had HUGE food cravings or backaches and no implantation cramping/spotting. Also, today was the first vomit but no nasuea. Help please!
18 answers
asked by
Joe J
Pregnancy & Parenting
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