Because a park is a private community with by laws and agreements about living there, they can refuse to accept your application to live there. But there is always a way to work things out if you are agreeable. Walk into the office and sit down and talk about it all nice and calm. People have a harder time saying no to your face than they do my phone or mail.
Just ask them to please reconsider since everything was so long ago and my husband doesn't ??? whatever was the problem, He no longer hangs our children upside down from the trees like before. We see how that couldn't be allowed and now understand what we were doing wrong that got us into trouble. And if I were you I'd have done the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot.
It's hard for people to continue to disagree with you when you've just agreed with them. Be completely and totally wrong about what went on before. Then they can get on with approving your application.
The reason that most people won't do anything is that they have no reason to. They have no reason to let a trouble maker into the community. So go over there and show them that those days are over. Apologize and be truly repentant. They will come around. But you can't force them and they are right to not want to live with a known trouble maker. So go make friends, be nice and agree with all of the 1000's of nasty rules. That's all they want, is for everyone to get along.
Best of luck,
2007-01-22 09:55:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
2016-08-11 05:00:29
answer #2
answered by ? 3
First, I would try to smooth things over with the park manager, if he isnt willing go above him and speak with a owner. If that doesnt work I would consider moving it to a diffrent park or selling the home. If you FIL owned the property in the park they can not say that you cant live there.good luck!
2007-01-22 09:33:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If the board said no and the president said no, then the answer is no. She'll have to live with her sister or find another place to live for three more years. Or she could sell the mobile home and live off the proceeds (although I certainly wouldn't recommend that). Is it possible she could rent the home to someone who is over 55? (How can the park be "Canadian" if it's in Florida?)
2016-05-23 22:40:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You have to either call a lawyer or move the mobile home. You might be able to get help from The Attorney General, but their responsiveness is hard to estimate.
2007-01-22 09:21:22
answer #5
answered by jmcachran 2
Mobile home parks all have their own rules. They have the final say as far as you get in to it or not, and they are telling you not. I don't think you have a foot to stand on here.
2007-01-22 10:21:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You need to make amends with the Park Manager. This is a private park and they have their own rules and you can be excluded! I think you either have to be humble pie, sell the trailer or move the trailer to another park. Pretty simple really. You own the trailer, you just need a place to put it so you can live in it.
2007-01-22 09:23:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
:The way I see it you have two options, either sell it and buy somewhere else, or take the owners of the park to court. Your choice. personally ask yourself what kind of life would you have if you moved in. Probably not very good. I would sell. Then no worries.
2007-01-22 10:12:01
answer #8
answered by Bruce 4
Get a lawyer. You need legal advice. There are no lawyers here who can advise you.
2007-01-22 09:36:03
answer #9
answered by Bostonian In MO 7
if you move in, what are they going to do? call the police? if you really have documentation that you own it, you are allowed to move in.
2007-01-22 09:28:21
answer #10
answered by njyogibear 7