I'm barely 5 weeks pregnant, and find myself having almost panicky mood swings. One minute I'm so excited about our baby, and I can't wait. And then a couple minutes later, I start having panic attacks because I'm scared of having the baby. (not scared of the baby, just- you know- am I ready to be a mother? Will I be a good mother? Babies change your life forever, will we be able to cope with that change? Will if affect our marriage?) Please don't think I'm a horrible person, I want this baby very badly, but sometimes I have these anxiety attacks about it. Has anyone else had this, and will it get easier as I adjust more to my pregnancy? (I just need to know I'm not totally losing it) Thank you so much!
7 answers
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Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
Make sure he's FULLY aware and remind him often (don't assume he remembers...say it out loud) that you are pregnant and it's NORMAL to have mood swings.
As long as you keep the communication going, you should be ok.
2007-01-22 08:46:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I was exactly the same, take a deep breath and let your rational thinking take effect..... be the best mother you can be, Babies change your life forever and for the better, but you don't see the change happen its gradual, so yes you will cope.
Yes it will effect your marriage- you are carrying a baby made by you and your husband, a coming together of 2 people that love each other very much, it will bring you closer. (in the early days give your partner hugs just to let him know you have not forgotten him!!)
When you feel the anxiety coming read the good responses you got from your question, that should help steer you back, but your not losing it, your pregnant.
Good luck.
2007-01-22 08:52:20
answer #2
answered by bambam 3
Yep,I had all those feelings. I wanted to trade in my little SUV for a tank with a flame thrower, too. I was a tad cranky and MOOOODY. I felt inadequate, scared, then I felt like I knew what I was doing because I'd read all the books. Then I felt like I knew nothing again. It's going to be fine. You're just overwhelmed right now.
You already have so much natural instinct you are going to do fine, you just lack confidence. Try to spend time with a friend that has a baby, she'll love showing you the ropes.
Your body is changing and your mind is going to go through a great deal, too. You'll start to think differently about your parents and other people you are related to, it makes family a totally different dynamic. It's all normal, perfectly normal.
Relax, you're going to be great mommy and that baby is lucky to have a Mommy that is so worried about them!!
2007-01-22 08:52:59
answer #3
answered by wwhrd 7
I'm on my 5th child and I still get those worries. How will I afford this one? Can I handle all these kids? I had those from pregnancy one (twins) and each one. But as soon as I saw them, I quit worrying and knew it would be okay. My ridiculous mood swings now are that I'm constantly mad at my husband, then sorry for being so mean the next minute. He understands. He doesn't try to argue with me. And I know I'm horrible, but it's so hard to control. I'm tired and mean, but he still loves me.
2007-01-22 08:46:14
answer #4
answered by ojibwechik 3
honey relax, its normal, my husband is lucky i didnt kill him when i was pregnant, especially with our 2nd and 3rd. As for the worries, they never go away, that is part of being a parent and a responsible one at that. No matter how ready you are, your never ready, expect the unexpected and learn to keep your cool all the time. the mood swings only get worse, and you won't even notice. good luck and congrats.
2007-01-22 08:50:27
answer #5
answered by short 2
i am right now I'm 15 weeks....if my boyfriend looks at me funny i start crying or i get mad at him.. i worry about the same things you do we will get through it were just pregnant and our hormones are crazy right now
2007-01-22 08:47:01
answer #6
answered by Kandie B 2
If you are having panic attack visit panic portal, http://panicaway.deals-guide.com , You will never have to experience another again with their revolutionary new technique.
2007-01-26 06:38:58
answer #7
answered by Kristina A 3