My husband was deployed from November 2005-June 2006. My son was born while he was overseas on February 6th 2006. It was lonely and hard but you'll get through it! The hardest part was going through the birth without him with me but I had family and friends for support. Email me if you want to chat!
2007-01-22 08:32:25
answer #1
answered by .vato. 6
Im 26-27 weeks also and my fiancee has been gone my entire pregnancy so far, (Hes in the Marines and is deployed in Iraq until the end of Feb.) I found out about 3 weeks after he left that I was pregnant. So I totally know how you feel. At first I was so angry becuase he wasnt going to be here for anything that I wanted to put the baby up for adoption but then I realized that wasnt going to help the fact that I was still going to go through 7 months of pregnancy alone. But good luck because the military is unpredictable and you never know where they are gonna be gone and for how long sometimes. Good luck and keep in touch heres my e-mail address if you need anyone to talk to I'd love it
2007-01-22 20:57:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Im not totally in the same situation as u, but i have a fiance whos lives in america and i live in the uk. He is in the military so we only get to be together a few times a year and i really miss him and its so difficult. We have been together for a few years and hope to be married one day, where we will live i dont know. Being in the military for him is more than just a job its part of who he is and i learnt to accept that long ago. Its really hard for the partner sat at home worrying, especially in ur condition. Good luck with everything.
2007-01-22 16:34:15
answer #3
answered by michee 2
My husband is, but thankfully he was here for both pregnancies and delivers. My cousin went through her whole prgnancy and delivery without her husband and he didnt meet their son till he was 3 months. Its very hard to watch and it breaks my heart. Just make sure you take as many pics and video as you can. Take a pic once a month of your belly to show it growing. i hope all goes well and hes able to be there for the birth. If you ever need anyone to talk to feel free to email me, i'm on myspace as well, so if you want i'll email you the link I'm 22 and I have 2 children and if you have any questions i'd be happy to answear them. Good luck
2007-01-22 16:37:43
answer #4
answered by Angel 2
My hubby is a former Marine. I found the website to be the most helpful. On their forums (they have a seperate one for each branch) I met some of the most wonderful, helpful women. Actually, I met my best friend to this day on that website. Best of luck. I won't say it gets easier, cuz it doesn't. You've got deployments ahead of you and a lot more lonely nights. But its all worth it. You can do it!
2007-01-22 16:34:34
answer #5
answered by duckygrl21 5
When I was four months pregnant with my first child, my first husband came home to announce he had joined the military and was leaving in four weeks for boot camp. I was devestated since we had not discussed this, however, I tried to be supportive. When it was time to have the baby, I had a very hard labor and it became necessary to have a c-section. When my doctor called his commander at AIT to get him to come home because I needed his help, he refused to come home. When he did come home, he was a different person and didn't bond with our daughter. I also found out that at the end of basic they have a "dance" for the troops and he was able to "dance" with every female recuit there! It was the beginning of the end of my marriage. Hope yours is more understanding of what you are going through.
2007-01-22 16:39:30
answer #6
answered by christibearb 2
My husband is in the Marine Corp and he is leaving for Iraq 1 week after our daughter is born.⥠I would rather him miss the pregnancy than 1 year of our babies life.â¥
2007-01-22 17:50:56
answer #7
answered by ♥USMCwife♥ 5
my husband is in the army too. He's in Iraq since October. our daugther is now 5 month old.and she has changed so much since he's been gone. she used to be a little screaming monster and now she's a little angel.
He was away a quite a bit while i was pregnant too ( a week here, 2 weeks there,...). luckily he didn't miss the scans.
E-mail me if you home most of the time..not much else to do here :)
hope you enjoy being pregnant. :)
2007-01-22 22:04:20
answer #8
answered by carmen1509s 2
You're definitely not the only one! I suppose if he's at boot camp, you're still at "home", so you don't have access to the support groups on base.
Once you get stationed, look for the support groups that are offered on base. There will be many, believe it or not. If you can get on-base housing, that may put you in touch with other young moms in the neighborhood.
It will get better. Promise!
2007-01-22 16:30:55
answer #9
answered by Meg M 5
Im not in the same situation,but my best friend is 20wks prego and her husband is in iraq until october. She's due june 9th, he gets his R&R for the babys birth.
2007-01-22 16:50:56
answer #10
answered by steffie ♥ 2