Im guessing your a UK student as your studying a BA?
To work within Audit as with many other areas of accounting it is likely you will need to undertake your professional accountancy training and exams. This usually is something people enter in to once graduating from an Bachelor degree. The training usually takes three years throughout which you work full time within the profession whilst also studying towards your professional exams such as the ACA (ICAEW), ACCA, CIMA etc (Check google for info on each, would take to long to explain all the differences here).
You can enter in to a training contract from any degree discipline, so accountancy isn't needed, however, if your degree has accountancy within it you may be exempt from some of the level one exams of a professional qualification.
After succesfully completing your exams and training you will then be a Chartered Accountant and will have likely focussed on one aspect (such as Audit).
Technically then, in the three years before you qualify you will have been auditing, so you could say you don't have to be an accountant to work in audit. Also, some firms take on school leavers and train them up rather than after a degree. The route is different obviously, as they work towards becoming an accounting technician or a certified accountant first, but the end goal is still the same, achieving Chartered Status and the rewards this brings.
For some good info on the whole area check out the following sites -
Professional bodies -
Job sites/advice -!eipaL?secno=J0&state=showsec (you will need to sign up to this one)
2007-01-22 09:34:05
answer #1
answered by David H 1
Qualifications To Be An Auditor
2016-12-12 09:53:22
answer #2
answered by hairster 4
It depends. local, Federal, State, or Public
1. Accounting degree,
or B. A. - with business administration degree and auditing classes.
2. States have their own qualifications.
3. Federal have their own qualifications.
4. Many need a security clearance.
5. Many need a state clearance for any crimes.
6. The IRS - has more openings than others, but they also have investigations.
GOD bless us, always.
Previous Federal Auditor-retired
MBA-Boston Univ.
2007-01-22 08:28:19
answer #3
answered by May I help You? 6
once you're talking abut the inn industry, the night Auditor is in charge of the front table for the duration of the in one day shift. They shelter late arrivals, answering telephones, getting house standard jobs or different information in looking after centred visitor requests, and working with the top of day workplace work like room tallies (occupied or unoccupied), totalling and printing costs for those travellers sorting out interior the morning, printouts for the eating place and bar (if the inn has those), that form of factor. How lots it may pay will count on the dimensions, high quality and turnover value of the inn, it relatively is region (NYC as against Augusta, ME, working example), your point of journey, etc. commencing salaries could nicely be between $8.00-$10.00 an hour or greater, depending on those and different components. i understand there are another industries that ought to have a night auditor place (transport centers, some factories, working example), yet i does no longer understand what replaced into in contact with them, previous coping with receipt and administration of things and working with a number of the billing stuff.
2016-11-01 00:27:44
answer #4
answered by ? 4
requirements for a financial auditor are set by each state board of accountancy. However, you need to get licensed as an accountant first.
2007-01-22 08:28:48
answer #5
answered by Michael W 3
You need an accounting degree if you are talking about financial auditing.
2007-01-22 08:26:32
answer #6
answered by Gone fishin' 7
,Brains allegedly
2007-01-22 08:31:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous