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My brother is looking to marry a Russian women. She currently works for DHL. What will she have to do to move here and work for them or anyone?

2007-01-22 08:14:56 · 2 answers · asked by sire8ball 1 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

2 answers

If he is a US citizen and this is a legitimate marriage, it's almost automatic. As soon as they get married, he can apply to bring her here, she will have to go to an interview at US embassy in Moscow, and as soon as she arrives she will get Social Security card and will be permitted to work. She will be able to become a Citizen of the US after 3 years, since she is married to a US citizen. If you want to know all the mechanics, you may want to talk to an immigration attorney. I would suggest to seek help of an attorney serving Russian community, those are usually less expensive and will tell you exactly what to do. But this is not a complicated process. If you live in a metro area where there is a Russian community, you will have no problems finding an attorney specializing in this sort of things.

2007-01-22 08:24:08 · answer #1 · answered by Alexander K 3 · 0 0

A green card, The school records, her job experiance & get these before she leaves Russia. Be aware that most Russians only want to come here. They are not interested in helping you or the country. I was married to one & know several that are here in Portland Oregon U.S.A. They like credit cards.

2007-01-22 16:22:21 · answer #2 · answered by rexbahr 1 · 0 0

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