Anything to do with computers. I am a systems admin and make 80k a year. I DO have 2 Bachelors degrees but neither are in computers. My husband taught me about computers after college. In less than 5 years I am making this much, have a flexible work schedule, can work from home etc.
2007-01-22 08:17:11
answer #1
answered by AsianPersuasion :) 7
Based on your age and your aptitude and what your likes and dislikes are and interest are, this is the direction you should go. You should take an aptitude test to find out what your strengths are and that will direct you as to what classes you are more suitable to take. The sciences, mathematics, whatever. Then you can decide. Of course you want to make a good living but it is important that your life work is rewarding, gives you some satisfaction, enjoyment. You want to look forward to each day not regret your career choices. Life will be more satisfying. You will live longer too. And happier.
Remember to invest and to purchase property along the way and don't blow all your money on now things. Prepare to be old and you will do just fine. Good luck
It is nice to have a job that allows you to live any where. So you can choose a State that you can afford a home. Sometimes it isn't how much money you have but where you live that will make you the happiest. Just depends on you.
Life is a journey.
2007-01-22 08:40:13
answer #2
answered by skooter 4
There is no such thing as a good job. It stands for Just Over Broke.
Go to school and get a degree in a specialized trade or profession. Know that when you do, you are working in a system in which they can lay you off for cheaper and younger. Know that when you retire, you are either dependent on your government or local church.
If I were you, I'd start reading about becoming an entrepreneur. Do it while you are still young. Do it while you still have the time.
2007-01-22 08:15:26
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
These people are idiots and aren't responding to your actual questions.
Jobs where you can make a good amount of money with little to no education.
Restaurant/Bar: Servers and bartenders in major cities can make anywhere from 25k-100k depending on the restaurant or bar.
Hotels: Along with a decent wage hotels can offer quite a few perks like free rooms, free meals and lot of opportunity for advancement because typically there are 2-3 levels of management.
City Work: Work for your local government and get a nice pension fund as well as a solid salary with full benefits packages. City jobs can be roadside workers, garbage men, office workers etc.
2007-01-22 08:26:13
answer #4
answered by vicprobey 2
Aprenticeship programs are really good for people wit no experience or degrees or money to go to school, an actually some of them once you finish pay real good, electricians for example.
2007-01-22 08:18:19
answer #5
answered by Marino 3
Politics is where people who don't know how to do something usually go.
Of course a law degree in politics helps you clean up on the cash.
2007-01-22 08:15:20
answer #6
answered by Lt. Dan reborn 5
Computer Aided Design Technician. Draft for an architect or engineer.
2007-01-22 08:14:44
answer #7
answered by MarauderX 4
I work from home with a company that manufactures products that we’re already buying elsewhere, but they are better, safer & healthier. We just help set up customer accounts and the company pays us to do so. We set our own hours and work as little or as long as we want. It is a wonderful opportunity and has really benefited our family. You are welcome to email me for more information.
2007-01-22 10:43:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Become an apprentice to an electrician or a plumber. These pay well and you can make very good money later
2007-01-22 12:35:36
answer #9
answered by kadel 7
In something that will make make you a substantial amount of money. You might like refering if you like this company. See my profile since yahoo doesn't like for us to relay links. Good Luck!
2007-01-22 08:35:32
answer #10
answered by jenniferjotheos 1