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My apt complex changed my carpet in July and told me they were going to charge me for it. I went in and the manager told me to write a letter stating that I would pay it and he'd put it in my folder along with my contract. Well I didnt. Then I went in a few days later asking for a bill with the exact amount and a signature so he couldnt screw me over (which he has done in the past) Well guess what? I never got a bill, so now its getting close to when I'm going to move out and I'm wondering if he can still bill me even though its been 6 months and I've never signed anything. Can he??

2007-01-22 07:22:38 · 6 answers · asked by suthrn_sunshine_lsu 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

6 answers

Was the carpet changed at your request ?
If the work was done because you asked & you received the service , they have up to 7 years to collect.
If the work was initiated by them, (like they were doing all the units ), then, no . . . you should not be billed for work you did not request.

2007-01-22 07:27:59 · answer #1 · answered by kate 7 · 1 0

He can bill you, but it's not so clear if you have to pay.

If you have a contract for changing the carpet, then he can certainly bill you for it, and six months is not too late. No matter what state you're iin, the statue of limitations for contracts is over six months, and probally two years or more.

It's not so clear that you have to pay for it at all. It depends on what your lease says and why your carpet needed to be changed. If you were under no obligation to pay for the carpet, and you signed something agreeing to, that does NOT create an obligaion to pay.

If you runied the carpet, you probally have to pay for it. If it's old and worn out anyway, I don't think so. Check your lease.

2007-01-22 15:44:34 · answer #2 · answered by tallthatsme 4 · 0 0

He certainly can. You DID sign a letter stating you would pay it, didn't you? So why wouldn't you have to pay? If you don't end up paying it, you know he'll take it out of your deposit.

I'm really unsure why you would think you wouldn't have to pay.

2007-01-22 15:31:09 · answer #3 · answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7 · 0 0

No bill... no payment. and if he tries to sue you ,he has no leg to stand on unless he forges your signature, in which case you will have a lawsuit against them.

2007-01-22 15:33:05 · answer #4 · answered by George G 5 · 0 0

Certainly, and don´t wait to be dragged to court. Pay up.

2007-01-22 15:58:15 · answer #5 · answered by Sani G 2 · 0 0

He probably can...

2007-01-22 15:32:59 · answer #6 · answered by KB 6 · 0 0

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