The American Medical Association, and the American Association of Pediatrics, have both revised their positions in recent years. They now say there is NO medical necessity for infant circumcision - it does not provide measurable benefits.
What it does do is remove over 10 square inches of nerve rich material from the adult penis. These nerve receptors provide considerably more sexual stimulation for uncircumcised men. In addition, when the foreskin is removed, the exposed glans (head of the penis) forms a layer of keratin to protect it from constant rubbing against clothing. Keratin has no nerve endings, and reduces the sensitivity of the glans.
There have recently been studies showing that circumcision reduces (but does not eliminate) HIV transmission when a man has unprotected sex with an infected partner. This is because foreskin is not just skin - it is mucous membrane which allows the virus to pass through more easily. However, if an adult male uses condoms when having sex, there is no difference in the rate of transmission of HIV between circumcised and uncircumcised men.
The US remains the only country that routinely circumcises infants for anything other than religious reasons. Even here, rates of circumcision are declining. The peak was in 1968, when 90% of newborns were circumcised; in 2004 (the latest available figures) this had declined to 65%. All indications are that the rate is continuing to fall as parents become better educated about the subject.
2007-01-22 06:08:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I've been told I can't comment on this because I've never been cut. Well, I never had any toes amputated either, and I'd rather not experience that either. I have talked to a lot of guys who are now restoring their foreskins, which is a lengthy process. Nobody would go through this if cut were just as good. Read a few of the stories at .
Girls seem to be squeamish about foreskin - women love it! And since I'm not gay, I can't say from personal experience, but my wife says there is no bad smell or taste from an uncut penis. That's just pro-circ propaganda. If you wash, you're clean, cut or uncut. If you don't wash, you're dirty, cut or uncut.
2007-01-22 10:27:59
answer #2
answered by Maple 7
I remorseful approximately that i replaced into circumcised as slightly one. while my son replaced into born 13 years in the past, I made confident that he replaced into no longer circumcised, even nonetheless the wellness center team relatively pushed for it and asked quite a few situations. I had thankfully already finished my examine, and knew that he'd have greater advantageous sexual function with an intact penis. women your age are greater used to seeing a decrease penis. women his age must be greater familiar with seeing organic ones. in basic terms look on the statistics that coach the (albeit few) deaths brought about each and every 365 days in basic terms using fact somebody desperate to circumcise their son. Even that very narrow risk, is a real one, and that i do no longer think of it relatively is relatively worth even taking. in case you do depart him complete, in basic terms be certain you examine up on intact care. as long as you recognize what to do to no longer injure it, cleansing and care could nicely be in basic terms as elementary or much less complicated than looking after a decrease one. you will no longer could retract the foreskin for cleansing or diaper variations, the two. If he finally ends up with any themes down the line like tight foreskin, issues like which will nicely be fastened by using stretching workouts that he can do at puberty.
2016-11-01 00:10:58
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Seeing as how most men have been either circumcised or left intact their entire lives, most of us can't compare and contrast between the two.
I myself am circumcised and have been since I can remember, so I couldn't tell you what advantages being cut has to being uncut.
2007-01-22 05:57:29
answer #4
answered by Jeff 3
Uncut men are more likely to contract std's (although cut men can still get them so everyone should use protection)
Plus uncut is more likely to gain infections from being unclean unless you wash under your foreskin everyday.
Plus some don't like the taste
And there are cultural differences, some girls in the USA won't go with guys unless they are cut and in the UK its the opposite.
Being uncut, you won't need to use lubrication to masterbate (unless you want to) and it keeps the glans (head at top of the penis) more sensitive.
2007-01-22 08:47:57
answer #5
answered by hotstuff15951 4
Circumcised. Cleaner, and the girls like it better =]
2007-01-22 09:37:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Circumcised-a lot cleaner.
2007-01-22 05:57:28
answer #7
answered by ropemancometh 5
Speak for yourself Jeff!
2007-01-22 05:58:35
answer #8
answered by unitedwestand7s 3
2007-01-22 11:22:05
answer #9
answered by BLESSED 4
Uncut ones are not as clean and don't taste as good.
2007-01-22 06:02:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous