I would,Duke kicked the guys out before it even went to court,Duke also fired the coach and the prosecutor went way over the edge while the b*i*t*c*h continues to change her story.I hope the players and the coach go after Duke and the prosecutor with everything they have.I would even be willing to chip in funding their legal costs.
2007-01-22 05:11:03
answer #1
answered by jnwmom 4
It depends on what they wanted to gain. If they just wanted to smear him in the press and create some more publicity- go for it. If they want to actually obtain money its probably a waist of time because prosecutors have broad immunity from private lawsuits. Suing the government is equally difficult, again broad immunity. A civil rights action under Section 1983 is possible, but would be difficult since the kids were never actually jailed and the case was ultimately dropped.
2007-01-22 05:14:27
answer #2
answered by Atptim 1
I don't know if they can sue The State or not but if they can, they should file a lawsuit against the accuser, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. Al and Jessie were very quick to speak out against the 3 men who were accused before any real investigating was done in the case but where are they now that the 3 men were cleared of all charges because the DNA evidence did not match any of the accused men? The accuser, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson need to go public with an apology to the 3 men! They probably will not because Al and Jessie only speak out when the situation gives them the attention they always seem to need! Not once have either of them come out to admit they were wrong about any situation...especially Sharpton. Remember the Brawley case? I am not prejudice against any race but Sharpton and Jackson just irritate the hell out of me! They have claimed several times that they follow in the steps of Martin Luther King...Well I never met Martin Luther King but I respected him and what he stood for and Al and Jessie are no way near a Martin Luther King! King would never have acted in the way that Al and Jessie act!
2016-03-29 09:07:30
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Did you even READ the ad placed by the professors?? Nowhere in it does it "condemn the young men" or "rush to judgment." You can see it at:
http://www.concerneddukefaculty.org/. Click on the link in the first paragraph for the original ad.
Now, as for Nifong, I believe he abused his position as prosecutor. He is now under investigation by the appropriate authority (the NC Bar) and I am anxiously awaiting the outcome. Unfortunately, I do NOT believe his behavior is an aberration among prosecutors (either in NC, where I live, or in other jurisdictions). Until we as a society stop allowing the "guilty until innocent" mentality to run amuck, this type of behavior will continue in the name of "getting tough on crime." Think about it, how often do we assume guilt when we hear a crime story on the news?? This case just shows that, sometimes, it goes wrong. And when it does, it can go very, very wrong.
2007-01-22 05:41:54
answer #4
answered by jurydoc 7
I agree. Under the law, people are presumed to be innocent until PROVEN guilty. A presumption of guilt is unfair and unwarranted.
The way that those boys were vilified is terrible, and I hope they sue Duke and the prosecutor, who attempted to try the case in the court of public opinion without even getting all the facts straight.
And, I hope they sue the accuser for making false statements, as well as for slander.
2007-01-22 05:06:10
answer #5
answered by Leah 6
A prosecutor is immune from civil suits so he cannot be sued directly. They may be able to get a lawsuit in Federal court based on the denial of civil liberties.
I hope they get a book deal and all walk away rich from this.
2007-01-22 05:06:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
they should sue the entire 88 faculty members who did that. can you believe, one of those faculty members resigned her committee chair because they offered to let the students come back? i'd sue the hell out of all of them. and there's no way i'd go back to that school, ever.
2007-01-22 05:07:28
answer #7
answered by political junkie 4
they should sue the crap out of everyone they can. including the university professors who wrote an open letter. gosh, they make me sick.
the boys were wronged and deserve butt-loads of money! nifong should go to the big house.
wow, even though i agree with dogzilla, he scares me.
2007-01-22 05:10:57
answer #8
answered by Buk (Fey) 3
Yeah, why not. Then maybe they can go slip on some ice and sue a public school.
Stupid conspiracy theorists. They are hooligans.
2007-01-22 05:08:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Its an outrage. They should sue the Black Panthers while they are at it.
2007-01-22 05:09:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous