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I am 22 and I've had my period for 11 years, and I've been irregular the whole time (meaning my period doesn't come on at the same time every month, and I sometimes even skip a month without having one). How am I supposed to know when I'm ovulating if I don't know when my period is coming?

2007-01-22 04:49:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

8 answers

I am a 34 yr old mom of a 5 year old that they are telling me was a miracle baby and now that we want another I am going through the same problem myself. BBT (Basal Body Temp) is the best for irregularity. Basal thermometers are cheap (about $10) and most come with very explicit instructions and charts to use. Yoiu do have to get a period first and begin the very next day. What it's doing is showing you the slight increase in you Basal (resting) temp that happens at ovulation. It is a pain trying to take you temp before you even sit up in bed in he morning and waking early incase it is "the day..:-) ) but you do what you have to. Alot of people will tell you OPK (the sticks you pee on) but if you are very irregular it gets really expensive to do. Check out http://www.fertilitycommunity.com/fertility/ovulation.html
or any of the other sites you can find online. They will tell you some hints but remember that the #1 things to do is to work with your OB/GYN. This means disclosing everything 100%! There are alot of questions that can come up and one big one is are you ovulating. Only working with your doctor can really help you with this. Don't let what people say drive you nuts, a good doctor and a great partner is all you really need.
Relax and don't obsess too much. Relaxation is a huge part of trying to conceive. Also remember it should be fun! Everything worth waiting for in life takes time. Good luck and I hope to see you asking pregancy tips on here someday!

2007-01-22 05:22:47 · answer #1 · answered by tracy042972 2 · 1 0

Since you've been trying for about a year now and have irregular cycles, i think it is wise for you to see a fertility specialist instead of just trying on your own, they'll carry out all the necessary test and determine what treatment to give you. In the mean time if you want to keep trying on your own then you use ovulation test kit. I use clear blue digital ovulation kit. you begin to test about 3 days to your expected day of ovulation, you get a smiley face on the screen when you are ovulating and an O when you are not. Good luck.

2016-03-29 09:06:55 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

if you are an athelete or really thin that could be why. You must be of a certain body weight to have a regular period. If that is not the case, you may not be ovulating at all. My sister had that problem. Birth contol can regulate your period but then you do not ovulate. If you are trying to concieve i would recomend buying an ovulation test. They are right next to the pregnancy tests in the store.

2007-01-22 04:56:15 · answer #3 · answered by maimy_lou 2 · 1 0

Some of us always have irregular periods. The best thing to do, at this point is to learn to chart everything. Use a fertility chart to monitor your morning temperature (BBT) cervical mucus and cervical position. You may see certain patterns do exist, but most importantly you will learn to recognize what your body is doing so you can have a better idea if and when you are ovulating.

If you want to go to the link below and drop me an email, I can help you get started.

2007-01-23 05:52:57 · answer #4 · answered by White Raven 4 · 1 0

Talk to your gynecologist (M.D.) and find out how to tell from your 'body temperature' ... it means you'll have to take your temperature at least four times a day every day for however long you 'need' to know when you ovulate ... but if you can't 'feel it' when it happens (I could, but most women can't tell) thats the ONLY SAFE WAY, even if you have REGULAR periods.

2007-01-22 04:56:48 · answer #5 · answered by Kris L 7 · 1 0

Wait for your temp to rise.

2007-01-22 04:53:19 · answer #6 · answered by LuckyChucky 5 · 0 1

This is because you are not exercising daily.

2007-01-22 04:54:37 · answer #7 · answered by SKG R 6 · 0 3


2007-01-22 04:53:31 · answer #8 · answered by infernalaffairstrilogy 2 · 0 2

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