well if it matches then it it probably a good outfit but never put two of the same colors together
also if you think it looks good...
2007-01-22 04:35:44
answer #1
answered by umm 1
A few tips:
Look at the pictures in the fashion magazines. Even if u don't have the same clothes, maybe u have something similar to wear.
Don't mix a lot of patterns. Let's say u have a shirt with a pattern in white, black and brown, choose pants that is all black or the same nuance (as the shirt) of brown . White pants could also work, especially in the summer.
Ask the shop assistant for advance when u buy something. You don't have to buy an entire outfit, just say what you want to pair your new jacket/shirt/sweater etc. with.
Don't have too many colours in your wardrobe. Stick to "safe" colours like black, grey, white, navy, khaki. Most of these colours match, but be careful with black/navy and together, and also with grey/khaki.
Dress relatively conservative, it's the easiest way. If this is not your style, again, ask for help at the shop.
Look around! Who do you think looks great? Try getting the same style.
Ask your girlfriend to help u, or, if u don't have one, a friend that has great taste.
Wear all black. Always stylish, and loved by fashionistas. Look what they are wearing: Often all black! It's hard to go wrong.
Look cool and in control. Look like you really love what you are wearing!
Care less about what other people think, and dress the way you really like!
2007-01-22 05:25:35
answer #2
answered by Amymoni 3
I think you have to be happy with what you're wearing and confident that you can carry it off. Its not always about what it looks like, but how you wear it. For example a black suit, black shirt, white tie and white shoes can be a really cool look, but only if you have the confidence to wear it as though you always make statements with your clothes - if not the outfit wears you and you look silly.
Good rules of thumb are:-
Think of colours as food, if something is brown it will go well with cream, like chocolate and cream go well together or green, chocolate-mint.
If your bottom-half is baggy, something more fitted on top will look better and vice versa.
Limit the number of colours you wear, any outfit with more than four colours is going to need more confidence, while two or three colours are likely to blend more easily together.
If you really want some professional help, most department stores now offer a personal shopper service. You spend a couple of hours with them, learning what works and what suits you. They will telly ou about your body shape and colouring and what is going to work well for you. You aren't under an obligation to buy, but will usually find some pieces that you want.
But mostly, fashion and style should be about you, feeling your best and most confident. So relaxing a little is probably a great 1st step.
2007-01-22 05:14:19
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
what you have to wear is confidence. I have seen some people mix colours and put on some stuff I would never dream of wearing. The way they feel about how they look and carry themselves is usually what makes the outfit rock! You should also consider matching pastels with pastels, brights with brights etc. But MATCH!! (either your shoes to your clothes or accessories to your shoes or clothes)White goes with all, black goes with all, brown goes nicely with pastels especially blue and green etc. etc.
2007-01-29 17:33:00
answer #4
answered by leighzeey42 1
take notice of what other people wear and look at colour charts but most important you must feel comfortable in what you wear after all that is the real you good luck
2007-01-30 01:24:20
answer #5
answered by cherry45uk 3
We look at role models, and people to help us give us 'taste' when it comes into fashion sense. However, i think if you feel comfortable in it, then wear it.
2007-01-23 07:46:15
answer #6
answered by lonely as a cloud 6
I dont follow Trends i like to be mysterious ! the things i wear look normal but ppl always say you cant wear that with that ! they dont go ! that wud make me wanna wear it more ! things that class as not matching actually look well together nowadays as it looks new and fresh !
2007-01-22 04:39:01
answer #7
answered by Darren M 2
Wear whats most comfortable girl.
2007-01-22 04:37:47
answer #8
answered by Cornelius 2
thats how i dress everyday... i have to have clothing matching... if i have a white shirt, the pants or shoes gotta be white, or a hat thats white..
if the shoes are black.. either the pants or shirt has to be black or something within those two with designs have a pinch of black..
just dont go yellow shirt, red pants and white shoes.. its not gonna work
2007-01-22 04:41:46
answer #9
answered by VIC-RIDA 2
Its whatever you like ,some time things that don't match look cute just depends on what it is i guess.
2007-01-29 19:34:50
answer #10
answered by ? 2