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who steals your pictures and asks you crazy questions

2007-01-22 04:25:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

15 answers

You could move, file a restraining order, but if he is a true stalker, he will only find you. Your best bet, hire a hitman, dead men don't stalk.

2007-01-22 04:29:13 · answer #1 · answered by George P 6 · 0 0

If he's crazy or obsessive then there's really not much you can do to get the point across... obsessive individuals tend to have difficulty separating reality from their idealized fantasies and every time you turn him down (and no matter how forcefully) he will "reason" that it was just your mood and that you'll turn around, or that he just needs to show how worthy he is and so on.

If he really seems obsessive or crazy, then a restraining order would probably be your best bet...

But if he's not *that* crazy and is just some random weird guy with a crush, then you can stop it pretty easily by telling him you're not interested.

2007-01-22 04:31:05 · answer #2 · answered by Mike K 5 · 0 0

This had happened to my wife a few years ago. You need to call the Police. Save all the messages he sends you and write down all contact including dates and times he contacts you. This way the authorities will have a file for reference. They may not be able to do anything to him but sometimes they can make a call to him or question him. This tactic can hopefully scare him away. Be safe and take this very seriously. You should try not to be alone if and when possible. Take care.

2007-01-22 04:39:34 · answer #3 · answered by brotherman2112 2 · 0 0

Girl,If I ever needed to get rid of some crazy guy who liked me i wouldnt move or do anything to head over heels but i would do stuff that he hates or embarass him really bad that should do the trick and if he ceeps bothering you and it gets worse like stalking you and stuff i would go directly to the police and at leats make a file of it so that if anything ever goese wrong again he can go directly to jail!

Anyway good luck

2007-01-22 04:32:27 · answer #4 · answered by 3weeksprego 1 · 0 0

find out what he doesnt like, and do that, or be that. Ie- he hates republicans/democrats- be the one he doesnt like.

very important tho, dont let him find out you were looking into what he likes, he may take that as you being interested.
above all tho, if he's really nuts, dont get trapped alone with him.

2007-01-22 04:30:23 · answer #5 · answered by HeadAche 3 · 0 0


2007-01-22 04:27:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If he is REALLY bothering you inform your parents!! you can not stop anyone from liking you BUT you can keep yourself safe!

2007-01-22 04:30:22 · answer #7 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

thats one of the curses of being a female hey we cant help it he is one of us and he wants to admire your beauty because you keep shooting him down giv him a chance plzzzzzzzzzzzz ha ha ha lol

2007-01-22 04:29:52 · answer #8 · answered by clumsy gamer 2 · 0 0

tell him once to leave you alone, if he keeps ity up call the police

2007-01-22 04:29:11 · answer #9 · answered by rpoker 6 · 0 0

You really should stay away from this guy!

2007-01-22 04:28:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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