I quit world of warcraft in april of last year and now when im playing and i go into a populated area of 3+ people my wow crashes and it disconnects me from the game and whenever i try to rejoin before restarting my pc it starts to have weird laggy jerks and i still cant go into populated areas, please can you help?
7 answers
asked by
Games & Recreation
➔ Video & Online Games
i have got;
1024 ram
256 graphics card
45gig free space
fully updated wow
latest graphics card drivers
04:48:31 ·
update #1
4mb internet conection
04:51:05 ·
update #2
3.2 processor
have tried all of diffrent graphics settings, lowest possible, and i have also tried to run it windowed
05:51:34 ·
update #3
tried wow repair tool
i have no addons
and have completely tried to reinstall still doesnt work
09:17:02 ·
update #4
Settings Settings Settings!!
I run the game with far less than you, and know first hand, that its all about the settings.
Dont listen to these other guys how you "need" a better graphics card. I run the game with an Integrated chipset at 56mb card and it works just fine. I also have 1 gig ram, and 45 gig memory available like you. Make sure your computer is clean and defragmented often.
Down to the most important part: video settings in-game:
1) Log in
2) Hit Escape key, and select video settings
3) Turn down ground texture detail, and other details
4) MOST IMPORTANT: turn down to low the option that says how far away the images will appear. Because the further away in radius you request it to generate all the graphix and people coming and going, the more exponentially it is hard on a computer... This one option alone made my gameplay 99% smoother. you just dont need to see those mountains that are a 2 hour hike away, its not necessary.
5) The other thing i did to make it play better is more ram. Its cheap and easy, no programming. if your computer will support more, find out what speed it allows and how much. I used to play at 512 ram and it was OK, but simply putting it up to 1 gig made all the difference. What speed is your processor btw?
Anyways, follow those steps, and MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE you are fully patched.. we had soooooo many patches these last months to prepare for burning crusade.
send me a message through yahoo if you need more help.
2007-01-22 05:39:18
answer #1
answered by xrionx 4
Hmmm, OK several options:
1. Have you installed all the patches? We've had tons since April...
2. Try setting your graphics to a lower setting, turn of all shadows and nature effects, etc.
3. Get ad-aware and clean your computer
4. Make sure you have sufficient free memory on your computer, game needs tons of space to actually run.
5. Upgrade your graphics card to one with more memory.
Make sure you're not running a file sharing program in the background, it can jam up your connection badly
2007-01-22 04:32:28
answer #2
answered by Xora 3
Well hopefully you are not running on dial up because that will definately cause you problems right there. You should get a high performance video card. Also, make sure all of your settings in your video options are turned down to low. That will help the performance of the game. I would start with the video card first and then see how things go from there. Goodluck =)
2007-01-22 04:41:26
answer #3
answered by Fantasy686 4
Hmm, tricky one. It's probably software related. Have you got many add-ons? If you have, try turning all of them off then introducing each one individually to see which one is giving you the trouble - then bin it. Alternatively, and probably worth trying first, find WOW through your 'Start' bar and you'll see 'WOW repair' which may find and fix the problem easily. Last resort, uninstall WOW completely and reinstall from scratch (I personally hate doing this as is takes forever downloading all the update patches :{ ). Hope this helps, good luck m8.
2007-01-22 09:04:26
answer #4
answered by greym_greym 1
also check to make sure your not running a firewall. I know with both ZoneAlarm and Sygate even when they say they are allowing WoW to run I will get random D/Cs b/c of it. I usually just turn it off when playing and turn it on when I log off.
2007-01-30 00:38:32
answer #5
answered by Merk 2
there's a particular version of WoW this is greater like minded with Vista then the older variations. while paying for the interest, seem on the facet of the field, on the backside it particularly is going to say like minded with ninety 8/ XP/ Vista
2016-12-12 17:36:44
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Oh how this world has moved on. I remember when you had to paint the little figures and go to the tournaments. Now it is all computer games.
The old times were better!
2007-01-22 04:30:23
answer #7
answered by PeachyPies 3