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Hey guys
so my b-day is coming up and i want to get color. Is Tanning pills good for you and do they really work? Will it effect my birth control?
Is there other great products that u tried that deliver results?
Thanks for the advise i appreciate it
have a great day

2007-01-22 04:17:53 · 3 answers · asked by bcb 1 in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

3 answers

my friend started taking some and turned a nice rich shade of Orange!!!!! guess it was mushroom pigment and it took about a month to fade out once he stopped. It was hilarious:))))

2007-01-22 04:21:28 · answer #1 · answered by rooster2381 5 · 1 0

I don't know any thing about the pills but as my doctor always says, "Any thing you put in your body has side efects." Know them & take it from there. When I want to know the side efects of something I call the place I get my meds at. They can tell you all that is out on things. But that is for perscriptions. Sometimes they have info on nonperscription things. I also call Ask-A-Nurse when I need help.

2007-01-22 12:26:24 · answer #2 · answered by ancestorhorse 4 · 0 0

I don't know too much about the pills...all I have heard is they turn you orange..like carrot orange!!!

2007-01-22 14:31:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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