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2 answers

I do not think it should. India has the death penalty on the books.
I cannot speak for the problems with it in India, but here is what we know about the death penalty in the United States.
The death penalty is not an effective method for controlling crime.

It is not a deterrent. Homicide rates are much higher in states that have the death penalty than in states that do not.

The death penalty system costs much more than a system that does not have the death penalty. Much of these extra costs come way before the appeals begin. (In my opinion, some of the extra money should be spent on victims' services, which are underfunded.)

More and more states have life without parole on the books. It means what it says and is no picnic to be locked up for 23 of 24 hours a day, with no hope of anything else.

Over 120 people on death rows have been released with evidence of their innocence. In the majority of these cases, the evidence was not DNA, which is not often available. After an execution, the case is closed. If the wrong person was executed the real killer is still out there. It is human nature to make mistakes and executing an innocent person, killing an innocent person in our name should be unacceptable in a civilized society.

Speeding up the process will certainly result in the execution of innocent people, some people just like you, your families and friends. Yes, ordinary, law abiding people have been sentenced to death, spent years on death rows, and, thankfully, were saved in time.

The death penalty can be very hard on the families of murder victims. As the process goes on they are forced to relive their ordeal in the courts and in the media. The death penalty revictimizes families of murder victims. Life without parole is sure and swift and rarely appealed.

People who oppose the death penalty do not condone brutal and depraved acts and do not excuse the people who commit them.

2007-01-22 08:50:14 · answer #1 · answered by Susan S 7 · 0 0

first eliminate corruption and get an excellent system together to collect and analyze evidence. make sure that you get the right person.
THEN u can kill off the worst of the criminals who will otherwise overcrowd the prisons and badly influence others who are in for lesser crimes and are due out soon

2007-01-22 12:23:24 · answer #2 · answered by implosion13 4 · 0 0

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