Quite simply... because of the nature of humans... IT DOESN'T WORK
2007-01-22 03:03:44
answer #1
answered by DiamondDave 5
all you need to do is look at stalin right before WWII. he took all the land and made the people work it with out giving them a fair share. and the government sets the price on commodities and quotas from factories. and there is no freedom of the press if you work for a newspaper you help spread propaganda. a great movie to watch if you want a little look at the darker side of red tape and totalitarian gov is brazil. funny but with a great punch at the end.
as for how people think in a communist regeim well first off religion is not allowed until its needed like during a war or if the leader has a religion. so you have a depressed hope kind of thing.
but of course all this is meaningless if you are a person of power. if you are in the politboro or council you have much greater privilage and ability to gain things.
2007-01-22 03:10:45
answer #2
answered by gsschulte 6
Communism works when all of the people believe government will take care of them. When they believe that touchy feely is the way to govern until they realize that the touchy feely of the communist government is death. There is no religion in communisum. Two things a communist govenment will not allow at all is pornography and the bible. For crying out loud, do your reasearch in some ot the older encyclopedias. Don't rely on modern History. Go talk to peope who have actual experience with communism before they all die off and you only get what the supporters of Communism want you to know. The more they repeat something the more truthful it becomes. I believe the democratic party has taken that line since the FDR Democrats lost power after WWII. so we know that line of thinking works!
2007-01-22 03:16:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Communism stems from the political philosphy of karl marx. Marx therozied that all societies end with a battle between the rich and the poor. He felt only a state controlled classless society could maintain itself over time.On a practical evaluation communism has failed to promote a strong one class society that lasts.The collapse of the soviet union is looked upon as a failure of communist philosphy. I believe communism has some good and bad points but also hinges on the honesty of the people in charge. As they say power corrupts. Hope this was helpful.
2007-01-22 03:34:03
answer #4
answered by doc_of_three 2
The difference between communism and capitulation - oops, capitalism - as practiced by the US is money and religion.
Under communism, the state controls most wealth and the economy and steals the earnings of the workers. Under US capitalism, the corporation controls most wealth and the economy and steals the earnings of the workers.
Under communism, people are killed because of the religion the victims practice. Under US capitalism, people are killed because of the religion the killers practice.
The "capitalism" practiced today by the US was once called "corporatism". Benito Mussolini coined the term. Or to quote an old political joke:
"In capitalist societies, man is exploited by his fellow man. In communist societies, it's the other way around."
2007-01-22 03:13:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Ayn Rand will not be a good author to read about communism because she was a hyper-capatalist.
Communism is about common ownership of land and capital by the people. In principle, it could work, but often times, it is used by a dictator as a vehicle to enslave the people.
2007-01-22 03:05:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Communism is an economic system... by itself, it does not normally spell a loss of personal freedom for people living under it.
As far as I know, Marx didn't specify restricting the press and personal freedom, although Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and their successors certainly pursued such restrictions with alacrity.
The problem is that communism is an unnatural state of man to live in, and it has to be forced upon people.
Those who seize power and try to inflict communism or any other ideology on their citizen-subjects have to watch for and eliminate enemies and opposition. This usually involves monitoring, suppressing and closing down the press. And denying the rights of free assembly. And firearm ownership.
It usually takes a slightly mad, ruthless and ultra-charismatic personality to plan and execute this sort of coup, and so the organs of government begin to coalesce around their quirks and foibles - power corrupts, as we know, and communist governments soon stray from serving the people, to creating a cult of personality around their leaders, to varying degrees.
2007-01-22 03:16:41
answer #7
answered by Aaron W 3
There has never been a true communistic society to know if it works or not. On a small scale there have been commune farms where every one is equal and that has worked. I do not think that a communistic society would work in a country sized venue. I think that socialism is working in several country's at this time though.
2007-01-22 03:07:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
In theory, a pure communist society is run by the government. Almost every aspect of what citizens do is controlled by the government. Typically, the media is state run so there is no freedom of the press. I can't comment on the psychology of citizens, but from what I hear they tend to be brainwashed and mostly comply with their government.
2007-01-22 03:05:32
answer #9
answered by Pfo 7
The people are lulled into believing that what they are accepting is for the greater good and progress of the nation. People with this mentality are those who think intrusion into your private life is okay. They have the mentality of a slave and probably come from abusive backgrounds. They Never question authority. They also tend to accept their situation and view themselves as helpless to do anything about it. They are taught early on in life, they must keep the peace at all times at any price.
The next step is to erode personal, private and property rights, religion of any sort is banned, for the security and betterment of that nation. From that point Free Speech is hindered and banned, you have to become part of the collective, not varying from the approved policies.
2007-01-22 04:36:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
The first ever "communist" gov. was the soviet union, and they weren't really communists. The best government is probablly communism- however it has never been done accurrately yet so far.
2007-01-22 03:06:25
answer #11
answered by Anonymous