There are alot of scams out there but if you're looking to just earn a little extra there are sites out there. You just have to work at it. Here are a few sites i'm on that don't require you to pay any money. These sites you get paid to post discussions.
2007-01-22 03:41:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Just a couple of answers (won't get you rich tho). One is to use any spare room in your home as storage for businesses (recrods). Storage is expensive. Second is pet care. Start off small looking after cats say. Good money and you can build up as the business grows. Very easy business to run and real easy money. Third idea is the standard selling online. Buy from Asia via the internet, and resell via say ebay or whatever. Sorry nothing more interesting. But at least these are not scams like most tend to be. Good luck.
2016-03-14 22:05:29
answer #2
answered by Patricia 3
The word concierge denotes two meanings, says One, from hotel terminology, is a staff member who assists guests or residents, as by handling the storage of luggage, taking and delivering messages, and making reservations for tours. The other, derived from French culture, is a person who lives in an apartment house, attends the entrance, and serves as a janitor.
While there is no formal definition of the word yet in the dictionaries for personal concierge, on the contrary, this profession is a booming business. The boom is brought about by a fast-paced lifestyle which leaves hardly any room for busy professionals nowadays to sort out their bills, schedule their activities (both personal and business), or book their vacations.
A personal concierge is being recognized as a legitimate profession. Laura Tiffany, in an article entitled "How to be a Personal Concierge", which appears at, discloses that the number of personal concierges is growing fast. She adds: “Although it's no secret that the personal concierge field is booming, hard numbers are difficult to come by. The National Concierge Association, a Chicago-based group that was founded in the late 1990s as a networking and resource organization for both personal and hotel concierges, doesn't yet track numbers or statistics pertaining to the industry. Cynthia A., a former hotel concierge who runs her own personal concierge business in San Diego, estimates there are a few hundred personal concierges throughout the United States.”
How to get started as a personal concierge? Consider this as an example of a job description: "Getting seats to a sporting event, reserving a table at a top restaurant, or sending a birthday present. Able and willing to go above and beyond the everyday. Always ready to go the extra mile with your employer."
More info at the source
2007-01-25 07:18:56
answer #3
answered by jt66250 7
My wife and I have a home based business that is with a company that has been around for 21 years. so this isn't something new or fake.
In this business, you don't have to inventory anything, you don't sell, nothing like that. You can start for less than $100 if you want, and you can do pretty good.
If you're willing to put the effort in (this isn't a get-rich-quick scheme) I can show you how you could earn a check for at least $1000 by next month.
If you'd like to learn more and to see if this may make sense for you, email me at
2007-01-22 06:24:16
answer #4
answered by Parallam 2
I work at home, no scam. My office is based 4 states away and they trust me enough to keep it up.
2007-01-22 02:50:11
answer #5
answered by Jo 6
I have also been looking for a way to earn some extra money using my computer and I have found these websites that actually work. They are all free to join and you don’t have to pay to get the information that you need, and after you get yours up and going you can refer other people and they pay you for your referrals. They all pay you to answer surveys.
I use Treasure Troopers at
You can also join Inboxdollars.
Swat Cash
Also send earnings
CashCrate. Just visit this website and join it is free and easy. http://www.*************/index.php?ref=152757
If you have any questions just email me. I also other places that I can give you.
2007-01-22 03:08:20
answer #6
answered by maggs1024 1
Try this site, there are no fees
2007-01-22 06:27:40
answer #7
answered by slipstar_182 2
stuffing envelopes
2007-01-22 02:50:51
answer #8
answered by Juleette 6
If you find one please let me know. I have been looking also but to no such luck yet.
2007-01-22 02:51:01
answer #9
answered by BARB00911 2