You cant. You put it up, anyone with screen capture software can copy it no matter what you do!
2007-01-22 02:53:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is a trick that some newspapers use so that when you right click on the image to Save As, it comes up with a message about this being copyright material and if you want to buy a copy, follow this link. But that probably requires Java script and I don't know the detail Also, I think IE when it puts the tool bar up in the corner of the image when the mouse cursor on the image, bypasses this security.
If people are linking to your image stored on your computer, instead of saving it on theirs, you can periodically rename your images and put a dummy image in place of the old name, an image that says "This image stolen from xyz" This was done when sites in Egypt were taking other people's glass art and offering to make it cheap.
Otherwise watermarking is a good idea.
2007-01-22 02:56:56
answer #2
answered by Mike1942f 7
there is a few things you can do but in the end if someone really wants them they will get them. There are some things you can do on your site such as find a free web script that will disable the right click of the mouse, ( google search Right click disable ) And a few other web scripts that can stop this. BUT REMEMBER NOTHING WILL STOP IT FOR EVERYONE. Only about 90% of the people out there. the other 10% will still be able to save them.
Hopes this helps.
2007-01-22 02:58:26
answer #3
answered by remailer000 3
Yeah, i don't really think it's possible. I know on some sites they have a thing where you can't save them but i think their in the form of a slide show because when you click the right mouse button, you don't even get the option to save. The best thing you could do is make you're own online slideshow because any other way they can be saved.
2007-01-22 02:53:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There really is no way to completely protect them. You can watermark them, you can put them in a Flash slide show, you can even put them on a password protected web page. But in the end, anything that can be seen on the screen can be pirated by someone that knows how.
2007-01-22 02:57:34
answer #5
answered by rbarc 4
You can cut picture on 16-25 small square pieces and merge them in one HTML table - so saving them one-by-one can stop some people.
But this is not going to really help - as people can still do screenshot of your webpage and cut picture from it.
Even if there will be some software to disable screenshots - people can simply make a photo of their screen.
2007-01-22 03:00:05
answer #6
answered by GAT 2
Change the dpi to something really low so that is is a thumbnail and add a watermark to your image. Anyone can copy a picture from a website, just make the image so that if anyone tries to view it larger, it will pixelate.
2007-01-22 02:52:06
answer #7
answered by Shutterbug 3
Yea, dont put them on the web...
There is sometimes coding to dissalow someone to right click the photo and save it.... But any computer savvy person can save a picture on your site, even if they do it from a screenshot...
The only way is to not put your pictures on the site.
Also before you put them on the site, put a logo on each of them, that way if someone does steal it, they have to have it with your logo on it and maybe youll find out about it.
2007-01-22 02:52:12
answer #8
answered by Danlow 5
Ok. Here are a few sites that can do what you want:
This code makes it so people can't right click, save as. For stopping the copy of text, too.
This may also be helpful:
2007-01-22 03:03:37
answer #9
answered by oweaponx 4
You can't. The best way is to watermark each Pic, and make it show that this is a copyrighted pic, or whatever you want to call it.
2007-01-22 02:51:10
answer #10
answered by Mictlan_KISS 6