Yes. Breastmilk is what babies are designed to expect to be fed. It is perfect for your individual baby. It contains antibodies to anything mom and baby are exposed to which help keep baby healthy.
Most formulas are cow's milk based.....cow's milk is for baby cows, not baby humans! Formula contains no antibodies and doesn't change to meet baby's needs as he grows. It's man's "best try" at imitating the perfection of breastmilk.
Breastfed babies have lower rates of diabetes, allergies, obesity, certain cancers, dental problems, etc.
2007-01-21 23:52:22
answer #1
answered by momma2mingbu 7
A mother passes on antibodies from her breastmilk which will protect the baby from the same things their mother is immune against. Having said that all the babies i know of that are reared on formula are happy and healthy too so dont worry if you are unable to breastfeed for any reason. My midwife advises that you try to breastfeed for the first two days after birth as this is when you produce colostrum which is a clear yellow fluid containing high levels of antibodies and an antibiotic substance that protects against infections. You will then start to produce proper milk which contains all your baby needs. Formula milk does this too but there isnt an alternative to colostrum.
2007-01-22 08:43:47
answer #2
answered by sian j 2
It's just that breastmilk has anti-bodies that helps the immune system. They say it's best to let your baby at least have breast milk for the first 2 weeks. We stayed on for a few weeks and then both up until 2 months. She's as healthy as can be!
2007-01-22 06:10:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't think so. But it also depends on your veiw of "healthy", like me and my brother:
My brother;breastmilk-popular, musician. Seems like everybody knows him.
Me;Formula- hated by almost all, genius, artist.
As for physical health, we are both fine, except that i have to wear glasses because that i have cataracts, but the doc said that that has nothing to do with anything that my parents did when i was young, that it was all genetics. I know that my nephew's mom is doing both, she started my nephew off on breastmilk, and now he's on formula. I don't know, i have no kids, but i do believe that i read that that has become a proven myth. And especially with all of the good stuff that they are putting in formula now, there is no way that it could lead to a less healthy baby!
2007-01-22 06:08:56
answer #4
answered by Confused & Young 4
I would say yes. Breastmilk is the perfect food for newborns. However, the quality of the milk would also depend on the health of the Mother. Nutrients are passed from mother to baby, so eating right is essential for the Mother.
2007-01-22 06:08:44
answer #5
answered by sassychickensuckerboy 4
Don't sweat it if you can't breastfeed, but research has definitely shown multiple health benefits for babies who have been breastfed (lower obesity rates later, less infections later, etc. etc). You can google 'breastmilk benefits' and you will find the stats. Having said that, formula fed babies grow up just fine too.
2007-01-22 06:11:25
answer #6
answered by cyclgrrl 3
There have been a number of studies that say a resounding YES!
Most studies focus on babies who have been breastfed for six months or longer. It doesn't mean your baby will have perfect health, but the risk of middle ear infections, obesity in later life and allergies is reduced.
Very interesting articles on the topic from the link below...
2007-01-22 06:19:23
answer #7
answered by baggyk 3
I think they would be quite the same, they have a lot of vitamins and goodness in the fomulas. Some people don't have enough milk in their breasts to satisfy their child so they go for the formula. but try your best to give the first bit of your breast milk even if you have to squeaze out whatever you've got, this is called collostrium - most of the time yellow in colour, this helps with the babys immune system.
2007-01-22 06:11:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think so, my daughter was formula fed and sick a lot. She had a lot of earaches. (I tried to bf it didn't work).
Just my opinion, but there is really no way to tell for sure.
My son (only 7 weeks) was bf for the first month, so far not sick even though everyone else in the house had a cold and the flu since he was born.
2007-01-22 11:03:46
answer #9
answered by Pamelab 2
yes. more nutrients and antibodies in breastmilk as nature designed it to provide all the baby need whereas formulas are lacking some of the stuff babies need
2007-01-22 08:01:03
answer #10
answered by Shannyn 5