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i just asked about shopping at girls stores for me cuz i'm a guy. thanks to all the girls that answered and were so sweet. just was wondering if you could suggest any stores that might be best to try. and what fashions do ya think are really in right now. thanks so much.

2007-01-21 17:32:50 · 4 answers · asked by hello. 1 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

thanks so much. just so ya know i'm a guy but i luv to shop t women's stores. thanks for your suggestions.

2007-01-21 17:59:37 · update #1

4 answers

Well thanks for clearing that up! You could probably try a J.C penny's or Kohls, as far as the fashion just look at what girls/woman (?) are wearing around you and check out the mannaquin's in the stores!

2007-01-21 17:41:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I don't know what size you are, but a really trendy store for larger sizes is Lane Bryant. You can still wear cool clothes but they are bigger.

I guess if you are a skinny kid who wants to dress emo or whatever, you can wear anything that the regular sized girls are wearing, just have to get something a little loose in the front (for pants) so you don't kill all your swimmers or cut off your circulation to your privates.

If you are looking at a lifelong interest in cross dressing...well, if you haven't already, you will soon find out that misses sizes of clothes are NOT made for men's bodies. This isn't a values call about you, it is the way the clothes are made, and the difference in our frames. So you will need to shop at stores for larger women...even if you are an average sized man. Things like shoulder width, sleeve length, misses sizes wouldn't fit you. You can also look for specialty sizes for TALL women.

In addition to Lane Bryant in the mall, there is catalog and website shopping...maybe you would rather try on things to see if they can fit on you. But Lane Bryant catalogs are NOT the same as the store. I don't even know legally how they can have the same name. LB catalogs are for OLD LADIES...muumuus and such. Totally different inventories. But there IS a large sized website called Junonia.com...lots of activewear but very expensive.

2007-01-22 02:18:36 · answer #2 · answered by musicimprovedme 7 · 0 0

hmm do you want stores that sell clothes for girls and boys?? good ones are: ruehl, abercrombie&fitch, hollister, american eagle, and aeropostale.
i don't know much about boy fashions, unfortunately, but i'm sure friendly salespeople will be glad to help you! :)

2007-01-22 01:55:23 · answer #3 · answered by emily.grace 3 · 0 0

u can try splash its my fave store.

2007-01-22 01:43:01 · answer #4 · answered by SUPER COOL 2 · 0 0

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