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I am short, around 151cm, petite in size. How should I dress to look more mature and attractive?? People often thought I am about 15 yrs old, when I am already 20.

2007-01-21 16:47:34 · 6 answers · asked by Errol 1 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

6 answers

You need not think of yourself as short, as height just like weight is a relative thing i.e. it all really depends what comparisons we make, and who or what we are comparing ourselves against. having said that how you dress really depends also on your stature, size and build. for example, you could choose clothes to enhance other attributes that you have i.e. broad chest, arms etc. If you are thin, you may want to choose slim pants that could enhance your appearance in terms of height. Note also that how you wear your pants could also make a difference. Wearing loose and baggy pants that droop, tends to make a person look shorter. There are also very discreet things that you could do to "manage" your height appearance. One way is to find a good cobbler (as done by some ex colleagues of mine) who managed to tailor your shoes (without adding too much heel) so that they stood something between 2.5 to 3 cm taller. This is pretty discreet and may just have the effect that you want. Good Luck.

2007-01-21 16:58:56 · answer #1 · answered by Malfoy T 2 · 0 0

A short woman has the perfect excuse to wear high heels. What looks good on the rest of your body depends a lot on how slim you are. I always advocate skirts and dresses for women. They are much more feminine and will make you look less like a teenager than jeans will.

2007-01-22 02:43:51 · answer #2 · answered by egghead68dk 3 · 0 0

don't wear baggy clothes (pants). since you are petite try to wear clothes that cling to your body frame. try to wear pants/shorts with vertical lines going down. lines that go down make you appear taller. to dress mature stay away from loud neon colors. pick up a issue of people or glamour, dress like the ladies in the photos such as eva longeria (desperate housewives she's 5' something), or paula abdul (american idol).

2007-01-22 00:55:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

watch what not to wear! i live by that show! you need to invest in some wardrobe staples, a nice pair of designer jeans hemmed to you height (true religion, 7 for all mankind..) a straight or boot cut in a darker wash. a few oxford shirts, blazer, some nice camis for layering and classic sweaters. seriously watchthe show its on tlc. im short too 5'1 and i have the same problem! the show saved me hah

2007-01-22 00:52:38 · answer #4 · answered by hallie 5 · 1 0

Buy straight leg jeans, or suit pants. Then wear pointed toed heels. It'll make you legs look like they go forever.

2007-01-22 01:10:52 · answer #5 · answered by Dane V 2 · 0 0

choose mini skirts and exact blouse for you...

2007-01-22 00:57:26 · answer #6 · answered by nej24 3 · 0 0

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