Hitler sort of Hypnotised the people of Germany. Since they were upset with loosing WWI to the allies, Hitler came. He told the people that he would help the Germans to be the prodomenent race. Everyone else dosn't matter. Also Hitler was not a Dictator. Hitler and the Nazis used the Jews to pick on. They ment nothing to him, and the Nazis. It was like they werent even people.
2007-01-21 11:58:34
answer #1
answered by stick to my guns 2
After WWI, Germany was largely blamed for the entire war and was treated rather harshly by the Allies. They got slapped with a few million dollars in reparations for the war, weren't allowed to have a military any more, and were essentially blamed for starting the war. Not long after that, Germany (along with the rest of the world) got into a serious depression, which didn't make the Germans any happier. Like most human beings, they wanted someone to blame for their hard luck, and Hitler presented them with a plan to solve that problem. If he hadn't started the Holocaust, Hitler probably would've been remembered as a great German leader. He brought the country out of the depression and into a period of better times, so he already had the support of many people. Hitler decided to blame the Jews for the depression and the defeat in WWI, which made the Germans even happier because no they had someone to blame for all the bad things that had happened. I'm not saying that I agree with it, but that's sadly the way it was.
2007-01-21 15:44:48
answer #2
answered by AskerOfQuestions 3
Sounds like we're doing your homework together but I will give the basic answer as I know it because I think it's important to know.
The seeds of it were already in their culture and history.
1. They liked order and rules. They suffered an economic depression and a breakdown of order and rules. A dictator looked attractive under the circumstances.
2. Hitler fooled many of them by creating false events to blame on others.
3. Hitler spent his whole life planning it and gathering a core of like-minded people.
4. Jews were the traditional scapegoat throughout history in Germany and most of Europe.
5. Hitler stole everything the Jews had (jobs, money, homes) and gave it the rest of the population (with the greatest share for himself and his minions).
2007-01-21 12:01:48
answer #3
answered by Benji 5
Jews have been hunted down at least since 66 AD by the Romans' crushing the Isrealites at Masada in Judea. The Catholic Church blamed Jews for killing Jesus for two Centuries and they have been scapegoated ever since. Only recently did the Pope rescind the blame. 1881, the Russians began pogroms against the Polish Jews. 1938, The German Nazi party smashed Jewish shops and synogogue windows in the Reichskristallnacht--Night of Broken Glass. The National Socialist government assrested 20,000 Jews and were taken to concentration camps.
The whole world was going through a Depression; after WWI the victors (The League of Nations?) assessed Germany punitive restitution money, stipping it even further of resources. The Germans greeted the Nazi Party's scapegoating of the Jews--seen as wealthy buisness people--and followed him and his Black Shirts to power by somehow bypassing the regular Parliment executive power. The people rallied behind Hitler's power to rebuild Germany.
2007-01-21 13:20:35
answer #4
answered by Martell 7
Germany was in an economical travesity and the Weimar Republic was inept and Hitler used his great oratorical skills and his vehement opposition against the Treaty of Versailles which bankrupt Germany ,stripped her of defenses ,put inexcusable and unwarranted sole blame for the first world war on their shoulders. The Jews were blamed not only by Hitler but his cronies and the nation as well as responsible for Germany losing the war because of their so-called banking policies which was false. Germany lost the war after the Allies were buttressed by the US entry in April 1917 and the influx of soldiers and artillery.
When Hitler came to power and orated what the people wanted to hear they accepted him as a messiah and resurrector of Germany.
2007-01-21 12:26:30
answer #5
answered by Dave aka Spider Monkey 7
many historical scholars refuse to accept the contention that the treaty of versailles was so debilitating to germany that it was easy for hitler to coem topower considering teh straits germany was in. the reason for this is that it shifts blame from germany to the allied powers: ergo f the treaty would have been less harsh germany would have been able to recover more easily and hitler would not have been necessary. certain elements in the world do nto want to allow germnay to deflect any of the responsibility from themselves. fyi i am not a nazi, iam a histrocial scholar w a masters degree
2007-01-21 12:17:49
answer #6
answered by cav 5
I think he slowly brainwashed them. It wasn't like one day he woke up and told the Germans that Jews are scum. He very slowly deceived them which is the way corrupt leaders always seem to work, whether in the government, church or other places.
2007-01-21 13:56:00
answer #7
answered by Puff 5
nationalism, how far are we from feeling that way toward Arabs here in the us, if we had a leader espousing the same rhetoric about Arabs a percentage of people would respond
2007-01-21 11:58:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous