Breast feeding is best. All the studies support that fact... It comes down to what you want to do. Understand that unless to pump, you will be responsible for all the feedings... I breast feed my daughter for almost 15 months, and now I am pregnant with my second, and I am planning on breast feeding it too. It is a wonderful way to bond with the baby! Also, when you say you are young, I am assuming neither of you have wonderful jobs yet... Breast feeding is free! Take a look down the baby isle and see how expensive formula is! Also, I take my daughter to Gymboree, where I talk to other moms... There is one kid there that is allergic to regular formula. The parents had to buy special formula that ran almost $600.00 a month! (Insurance would not cover it) The mother said she wished she breast feed, it would have avoided the whole thing...
Also, for me, it was great because the first 6 months I could go anywhere with the baby and not ever worry about packing food (formula) and heating it up etc... I would food shop, go to the mall, anywhere and just bring a blanket with me and feed the baby in the parking lot of where ever I was. Easy as pie...
Also, breast feeding burns between 500 and 1000 calories a day!
All in all, it was the best, and the right thing for me to do. It's funny, my husband actually brags to his friends about how proud he is that I breast feed our baby!
Anyway, good luck, being a parent is not always easy... But the rewards are wonderful!
2007-01-21 13:47:42
answer #1
answered by jordansmom 3
I am 23 with two kids and one on the way in July!! My husband is 28.
Breast is best and you should definatly consider at least giving it a try. It is good for you as well as your baby. My husband was very skeptical to begin with about why it was better so I did alot of research to explain it to him.
It helps to boost the childs immune system by passing antibodies from your system to him which can prevent colds, ear infections, and many other problems. It has also been show in various studies that breastfeeding can boost the IQ of a child about 10 points! Everyone wants their child to be intelligent, why not help them out from the start??
Some of the things it can do for you are that your uterus will contract each time you nurse to help shrink to prepregnancy size faster. You will burn more calories which can help you gain your figure back sooner. I found that at night it was so much nicer to cuddle with my babies in the bed and nurse them then to fix a bottle and hold it while they ate. I also liked that I could feed him without ever getting up, all night long!!
The benifits of breastfeeding are numorous. No not every woman is comfortable doing it and there are even women (few) that are unable. Even premature babies can be give breast milk when a pump is used! My son was born with a breathing condition that inhibited his eating for almost 5 months (he had surgery then) and I pumped 6-8 times a day. But I would do it again. You can still work or go to school or even have date night with you mate. You just have to figure out what you want to do and set your mind to it. If you choose to use formula that is okay too, my son began formula at about 6-7 months because I found out I am pregnant again and he is still doing great so both work. It is your choice in the end. I plan to breastfeed again. Good luck to you and your new child!
2007-01-21 12:03:51
answer #2
answered by fairychic77 2
Breast is always best, but honestly it isn't for everyone, I suggest you give it a try and give it more than just a day or two, your milk wont actually come in till around day 4-6 and untill then the baby will be getting colostrum, which is full of the antibodies that babies need to have a good start. If for some reason you cannot breast feed then dont feel guilty about it, formula although not as good as breast milk is still a perfect choice for babies to have.
Really its personal choice, I have breast fed my first two, but because my breasts blossomed into huge uncomphy rocks (I went from a "DD" to an "F" cup) it was difficult for me to continue past 6-8 weeks before I transferred them to formula. And I have two perfectly healthy kids with no ill side effects from not being on the breast for a year or more.
Your bonding with baby is no different, you can still maintain that closeness, and your not going to "scar your baby for life" if you dont breast feed.
Breast is best...but bottle is better than nothing....
2007-01-21 11:58:33
answer #3
answered by Anastasia 5
Breastfeeding. It is good for the baby and it helps your body get back in shape too. It has many good purposes. It helps with bonding with your baby. Breast milk has antibodies in it. Did you know that?? So, when you are breastfeeding it is boosting your babies immune system. Your uterus goes back to normal faster. Breastfeeding is the BEST!!! You can do it anywhere!!! Breast is always ready. No warming a bottle up. Some young girls feel very conscientious about it, but it is a part of life. There are many people that will be willing to show you how to breastfeed.
Good luck!!!
2007-01-21 11:52:58
answer #4
answered by supersweetfungal 3
I'm sure all the other answers have given you plenty of reasons to breastfeed. I want to add a couple points. For one thing, your milk is going to come in a couple days after you have the baby whether you breastfeed or not. There is not any pill or anything they give anymore that will stop it. Then you will have all this milk and your breasts will be uncomfortable but you will not be able to get any relief since you are not breastfeeding.
Second, if you breastfeed and you don't like it, you can always quit! At any time! But if you don't breastfeed in the first couple weeks, it is really difficult to relactate. So you will never regret initiating breastfeeding right away - you have nothing to loose and baby (and you) have everything to gain.
2007-01-21 14:08:05
answer #5
answered by Ducky's Mom 4
Have been reading thru your answers and thought I would put in my own personal experience......
I have 3 boys - oldest is 33 - back then breastfeeding wasn't really the thing to do so he was bottle fed - has grown up happy and healthy
The middle boy is 19 - I started to breadfeed him but he was allergic to the milk and needed to be bottle fed soy milk - he has grown up happy, healthy and active
The youngest boy is 17 - I did breastfeed him successfully till he was a year old (would have continued but was planning a vaction without him so I weened him off)
Observations from a personal standpoint -
Obviously the two older boys are grown and healthy - there is nothing wrong with bottle feeding babies.
But...... if had a choice (having done both) I would breastfeed all the way - any time!!
My reasons - Convience is #1 - your milk is always there no matter what time of day and you don't have to do anything to prepare it.
......Cost - you don't have to pay for the breastmilk
......It comes with a sort of *forced* relaxation time for you as a new Mom - you have to sit to feed your child. So not only do you get to be close to your child but you also get to relax and kick back for a bit (some new mom's don't take the time for themselves just to sit sometimes)
.....Dads are not left out - there are so many things a new father can do to interact with their child - I would never consider not breastfeeding just because the dad couldn't.
......And on a final note - one thing that was said to me - the milk comes in cute little bottles :-)
2007-01-21 12:05:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
cost wise breast feeding is cheaper and is probably healthier
you have to be pretty comfortable about feeding in public though because you won't always find a private place to do so. I did both because I didnt make enough milk. Try breastfeeding and see because you can always go to the bottle but once your milk is gone you cant go back to the breast. If you are in school or work bottles would be easier
2007-01-21 11:53:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Breastfeeding is best, but formula isn't bad or "evil" as some make it out to be. Breastfeeding is hard work, and once the baby gets good on the breast, often you can't get them to take bottles even when you want. So you never get a break and let daddy feed baby, ya know? I would bottle feed personally, so that way daddy can help out so much more! Good luck!
2007-01-21 11:53:06
answer #8
answered by ~*Isabel*~ 5
BREASTFEEDING!!!! Definitely breastfeed your baby the benefits to their health and yours are incomparable to that of artificial forms of feeding. Research has found that a breastfed baby gets sick less often, are more intelligent , speak earlier . There is a book available " Breastfeeding Naturally " through the Australian Breastfeeding Association it has an endless supply of information that is very useful to read before you have your baby. I think the best thing to do is be well informed . It is definitely something that you learn to do , it is time saving, sanity saving( no listening to a screaming hungry baby while you prepare a bottle) allows you to get more sleep!!! I cold keep on going & going but I think you should buy the book I mentioned and good luck in breastfeeding your baby, they'll thank you when their older!P.S I am now 31 I was 24 when I had my 1st child who I breastfed till she was 19 mths old and my son who is now 3 still enjoys his"boobie time" before bed
2007-01-21 12:35:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
as all the others say breast is best ,but hers the thing if actual breast feeding is a problem for you why not try expressing your milk using a breast pump and then feeding baby with bottle ,handy for when your out and also for when it is night feed your partner can take turns to look after baby giving you a break .just a thought
2007-01-21 11:53:39
answer #10
answered by leonard24seven 4