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Please answers quilky need answer fast.

2007-01-21 10:22:32 · 7 answers · asked by Josh 2 in Science & Mathematics Physics

7 answers

Electromagnetism refers to the correlation of the flow of charges with magnetic fields. Magnetism does not refer to the flow of charges at all, therefore it does not include categories such as induction of electricity etc.

2007-01-21 10:26:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Magnetism does not exist by using itself. Magnetic fields consistently have an linked electric container to pass with them and vice versa. The tension is observed as the electromagnetic tension and is propagated by using electromagnetic waves, or photons. A bar magnet creates an electromagnetic container, and a cord carrying a contemporary additionally creates an electromagnetic container. at school words it relatively is in basic terms much less complicated to speak of the electrical powered and the magnetic container one after the other, even nonetheless that's no longer technically ultimate. A magnetic container has an electric container linked with it it relatively is perpendicular to it.

2016-10-31 22:47:35 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

A magnetic field can be generated by the flow of electricity. For example: wrap a shielded wire around an iron nail and attach the two ends of the wire to opposite poles of a battery. If you do this you have manufactured a simple electromagnet. A permanent magnetic field is also generated by certain naturally occurring minerals (magnetite) as well as by man-made magnets. Some of the strongest magnetic fields are generated by rare earth magnets.

2007-01-21 10:31:19 · answer #3 · answered by sessich 2 · 0 1

The term "electromagnetism" comes from the fact that electrical and magnetic forces are involved simultaneously.

Because of the interdependence of the electric and magnetic fields, it makes sense to consider them as a single coherent entity — the electromagnetic field.

2007-01-21 10:29:36 · answer #4 · answered by epbr123 5 · 0 0

Electromagnetism involves electricity to create magnetic fields and is a sub category of magnetism.

2007-01-21 10:26:49 · answer #5 · answered by clueless 1 · 1 0

electromagnetism occurs when one rapes a wire around an iron ore and sends electricity through the wire

a magnet has atoms that are lined up
the more times you rap wire around the iron the more of a magnet it is because the mroe atoms line up

the iron causes the electrons in the wire to move faster,a dn causes more of them to move, thus causeing the iron ore's atoms to line up and a stronger magnet, this is electromagnetism

magnetism is just a magnet that is lined up naturally, like the ore magnetite

2007-01-21 10:29:23 · answer #6 · answered by patdog 3 · 1 1

...depends what part of the world you are from...

2007-01-21 10:29:12 · answer #7 · answered by each may believe differently 3 · 0 4

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