I sure hope they have lost it already, but everything changes once they start bashing each other, and when their is only two candidates left. Personally I think it will be hard for McCain to win as long as Iraq is going bad, though he is my favorite candidate, and Guilianini has alot of baggage, though I hope one of those two win.
2007-01-21 09:29:40
answer #1
answered by asmith1022_2006 5
It is very possible you are right for if the McCain is elected it will essentially be because of that huge elephant in the living room which nobody wants to talk about and that elephant is RACISM. Republicans/conservatives have a long despicable history of racism from favouring Slavery and fighting to maintain it to keeping slavery un-officially alive and well with Jim Crow and their horrid attempts to defeat the Civil Rights Act in the 60's. Many of these Republicans/conservatives were in the South and the south today has still a long way to go to rid itself of it's racism as facts on the ground in the south attests to. I have no doubt that these racist will be out in force voting Republican in November and could very well tip the balance to McCain. What a friggin hollow victory it would be to have won because of the racist vote.
2016-05-24 08:18:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
In the first McCain is to old and to sick to run for President, Giuliani has to much baggage from moving his mistress into the Governors mansion next door are rather one wall between and slept with her while his wife and 2 children could hear between the walls, he was of the part of the mafia. If you think that would make a good President and good first lady with this stench republicans , you got another think coming
Hillary will be our great President along with her great husband Bill and I hope Obama as the Vice President, WOW WHAT TEAM THEY WILL BE. Have you read the papers lately you republicans have completely lost the congress and senate and you don't have snowball in hell chance of winning the White House, wake up and smell the Coffee before is no coffee left to smell, DUMB, DUMB are the Republicans, Bush lowest IQ rating of ANY SITTING PRESIDENT a 91 , Bill Clinton's was 182 doulble dumb a**
2007-01-21 09:39:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I wasn't aware satisfaction in bed was a qualification for the Presidency. If it was, no Republican would ever win. The Democratic nominee will be elected President in 2008 because the American people are sick of a party that doesn't give a damn about anybody except the rich and powerful.
The Republicans have nobody. McCain is far more right-wing than people imagine, and still supports Bush's war -- not OUR war, HIS war. Giuliani can't meet the moral standards the GOP activists have set, and besides, he's a fascist who won't get a single black vote other than Clarence Thomas', and his only because Antonin Scalia will tell him to vote the same way. Who else have the Republicans got? Mitt Romney? No, the Republicans HATE flip-floppers from Massachusetts. Sam Brownback? Prejudiced as hell and a yes-man on the war. Duncan Hunter? Tom Tancredo? You got any other lightweights?
I don't yet know who the Democratic nominee will be, but the American people are sick of the Republicans giving us false choices, bad choices and no choice. It was never time for them to return, but now, it is surely time to go. (That is a paraphrase of Al Gore, not necessarily an endorsement, as we still don't know if he's running.)
If Hillary is nominated, she wins. She is the Republicans' worst nightmare: A liberal who fights back, and has the greatest politician since FDR advising her. Now, all she has to do is win the nomination. And I look forward to that contest.
2007-01-21 09:35:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Once again, a tactic of the blind Cavuto followers, making a statement out of a question. Here's a headline for the day after the 2008 presidential election: "Mike Huckabee wins Presidency by Landslide. Vice President Elect Jeb Bush Bails Daughter Out of Jail." Hey, Hillary will not get the nomination. Giuliani will have sex in the white house, so that will knock him out of the race. I would vote for McCain in a heartbeat, but the Conservative Republican draft resistors non-veterans do not like veterans, especially Viet Nam veterans. Just looked how they smeared McCain when Bush ran for President in 2000? They even implied that McCain did not suffer 'that much' at the hands of his North Viet Namese guards.
2007-01-21 09:39:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Boy are you in for shock, sort of like the 06 election. I thought you guys didn't believe in polls, cause if you did then you would have known that Bush has lost the confidence of over 70% of the people. Now I believe in polls and I think that it is to early to throw in the towel just yet. I know I am going to work hard to get out the vote for Hillary. I think she would make an excellent leader of the free world, just like her husband.
2007-01-21 09:37:26
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am of the belief Democrats will win the Oval office in 08.
As for your other comments, you seem to fail to mention Democrats held congressional majority of both the house and senate for over 25 years up until 1994.
2007-01-21 15:03:55
answer #7
answered by BeachBum 7
It's rather pre mature to announce a win here don't you think. Unless there is some ballots already counted that we don't know about. Let me tell you this, if this war keeps going on the way it is and our boys and girls in uniform are continuing to be sent home in body bags, absolutely no republican will have a chance in hell to be elected in 2008. Especially McCain who is 100% behind this president. You can take that to the bank.
BTW, what does sex and satisfying any man in bed have to do with running the country. Geesuz christ you're a superficial idiot.
2007-01-21 09:27:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You better hope Giuliani makes it in the race, because he's really the only hope for the republicans. It is Way too early for another Bush to come into office. That'll be like Gilbert Godfry making a joke about 9/11 a week after it happened.
As for the democrats, since all the dogs are on their hind legs barking for a candidate with Iraqi intentions, anything is going to seem to work for those foul beasts. If Hillary runs for the Democrats I will not vote for her. She is lying to get support from both sides and I know this. If it's Obama, then the way I stand as of now... He has my vote.
2007-01-21 09:29:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I wish that was true. I don't think she has a great chance but never underestimate the Clintons!
I really don't want McCain. He is a waffler. He is to eager to please the press.
Giuliani is to liberal.
I want someone else!
2007-01-21 09:43:03
answer #10
answered by John16 5