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what is ur fav game amd what os the funnest .what are some games that have a gun or sword .what do I buy to play virtual tennis,bowling,baseball and other sports. what are good games for a 13 and 7 year old

2007-01-21 09:11:58 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

2 answers

Well I like Zelda on the Wii. SO far the best zelda yet and Tony hawk downhill jam is pretty good. For a 13 year old get the tony hawk and for the 7 year old i recommend the new rayman game. THe wii sports game comes with the wii, and it happens to be a good workout.

2007-01-21 09:16:02 · answer #1 · answered by lightessnc 3 · 0 0

The Nintendo Wii is great. When you purchase the system for $250.00 you get one controller, and Wii sports which has boxing, golf, bowling, tennis, and baseball. There are some games you can purchase seperately like Zelda, Wario, and Tiger Woods.

2007-01-21 17:16:26 · answer #2 · answered by aSchway 3 · 0 0

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